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Showing posts from July, 2019

Article - 15, movie screening

 5 july,2019 at noon 2:45 "Article-15" sponsored by Tanishq Jewry.                                   'Article-15' is the one of the best movie. Department of English  organised academic movie screening at Maxus. The tickets are sponsored by Tanishq Jewelry, so special thanks sir for his support, and thanks to Dilip Barad sir for organize this screening.    Article -15 is wonderful movie in present time, because there are satire on social criticism and reality of day to day life and other issues we find here. Some new ideas about feminism and women's chamfers in our caste system, political power, religion, educational life etc... Here we find two protagonist characters; *Ayaan ( I. P. S.)                                *Nishaad (well educated person)      ...

The great dictator (Charlie Chaplin); movie screening.

           The great Dictator.     The great dictator is a 1940 American satirical drama.The film written, directed, produced, scored by Charlie Chaplin. Charlie Spencer Chaplin born inn26 April 1889 and died in 25 December 1977. during this peroid he achived great opportunity in his life. He has  best skill of as a comic actor and film maker who was famous in the era of Silent film. He belonged to from poor family. When He was age of 9 years  at that time his father was died and his mother faced lots of struggle in her life, like as economical problem...etc. Charlie went to at work house in two times when he went age of nine. After Five year, his mother was suffering through mental problems and she passed her life in the mad- houose. This types of many problems he  faced and after all he decided to do something. first he joined music halls and after ply roll as a stage actor and also comedian.    In this movie we ...

Charlie Chaplin in Modern age; movie screening

        'The modern times' movie screening.     Charlie Chaplin was great director, writer , actor and also comedian. Department  of English many times organize this type of academic movie screening.       Nowadays, We watched movie of "Charlie Chaplin in Modern times." Charlie Chaplain and Hitler both have same face,  but both have  different thoughts and ideas. Chaplin famous for as a laughter and Hitler  known as monster of power and position, he was cruelman also. In modern age we can see how people face " great depression" and through comedy  we can find lower class people's problems. Starting movie with crowd of pigs and after crowd of people. So here we find how comedy through symbolizes 'modern periode' and which type of behavior in this age. Modern industrialization worl:-      In the "Modern times" was a wonderful interfuse and social reality.The movie provided a look into the ...