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A workshop on & quot; Civil service exam The best career option through GPSC."

A workshop on & quot; Civil service exam The best career option through GPSC. & quot; 

Ho✏️  Organized by; Career and Counseling cell M. K. Bhavnagar University.
✏️  23rd September 2018, Time 11 to 5th O'clock...
  "अटल विक्टोरियम लोकापॅण  समारोह !"

✏️  session 1: In this Session in Upendr Chudasama was speaking introduction about all guests, Teachers, professors, students, politician like bhartiben Shiyal etc, all retired teachers and professors and all workers etc. Chudasama sir's speech was very attractive  ...
  #  After he give few important information about M. K. Bhavnagar University, like our university gives 65 degrees, we have 39 centers etc.
  #  After all guests do 'DIP PRAGATYA' - and after ZALA sir's speech. He speak about celebration of the Auditorium  and also he says , "our Auditorium was 4 years and 6 months, it was close." So, Auditorium is very useful part of the university and students, That's why finely  open and we are very happy. He say small Theater beside the 'cantin', this theater only for students. Zala sir also speak about " Gandhiji's thought we will follow!!!" but my point of view is not follow the old generation and ideas but 21st century now running and I think forget the all old and ruff ideas and we believe in 'technology', because without technology, smartness and far- flown/northern never achieve. And definitely 
We will don't go behind... I don't accept that type of thing.
  #  After K. P. Swami's speech; he says that 'I am student of MKBU' At that time I was very shocked, one university's student is as a "SADHU" in present times.
# There are Many politicians, speakers, Class 1/2 officers and many professors but baba was different personalities. I was really enjoy this moment...
# session : 2
    In this Session in  4 officers gives us very interesting information about UPSC and GPSC exams;
(1) Charan Singh Gohel sir
°  He is GPSC class 1 officer.
°  He belongs to the palitana's small village 'Panderiya.'
°  His topic was"How to prepare GPSC Exam?"
°  He says that two types of officers, like
 A) = Generalist officer,
 B) = Specialist officer.
° He want to share us a very inspirational video about 'Ira Shinghal'. I am very inspired after seeing the video.
°  He say, 'Live for yourself and for your own dream, because you will definitely fulfill own dreams not others dream.'
(2) Virabhai Sambad sir,
°  He belongs to the Palitana's  'Sarod' village.
°  He do his study  B. A.  in external cubicle, but he do hard work and chang the reality and after he became a officer.
°  He said that two types of motivation,
    * Out side motivation,
    * In side motivation.
°  He says that, "you can nutrient assessment."
°  he says, how to prepare in GPSC? So, third parts in this topic related ;
* vision in the sense / commitment,
* Comma scene,
* Managerial skill.
° Sambadsir, belongs to very poor family and and he say "My father and mother never saw the school or college, because they are uneducated persons, but Background doesn't matter." so, I really enjoy after this moment.
(3) Viveck Tank sir,
°  Deputy section officer - DSO
°  GPSC and UPSC exams relate to information and knowledge, because he becomes many time fail and he think about himself, I am not become this type of government job. But sir never give up...
° So, I learn when we are in any difficult situation and conditions, but in future we will be something so, we can do it.
°  Definitely sir want to share with us GPSC Exam related experience and also smart work related knowledge gives us.
°  He say about one question that, 'which book we can read for this exam?'
°  like NCRT - Text and solve papers about GPSC AND UPSC exam.
°And last, he says, "One commitment chang lots of situations."
(4) And finally PRAVIN SINGH is come on stage.
° He gives us GPSC AND UPSC exams about lots of information and different between this exams.
° Website; MRUNAL, ORG etc about GPSC Exam.
° He says, Nothing is impossible like, 'IS' and 'GS' also you can complete.
°He says one time I think, I was totally failed but he can try again and again and sir will be winner.
°One main point is - we are many time fail in personality test or interview, so, we can try for physically fitness also.
° Pravinsir says interview in not only for emotionally question / answer but, also some perfect and logical question about discuss is very useful in our presentation skill. At last, GPSC is not impossible  but difficult exam.
°  So, we live in 21 century in technology era. So, we can easily use many websites and he gives examples like OJAS. Guj. in etc.
° Sir give us appropriate knowledge and information about this type of exams.
 And starting to end I was very happy with my classmates and seniors and Dilip sir and vaidehi ma'am... 
 So, at last I think I get and teach many types of ideas and knowledge. So, Thank you Sir and Ma'am...


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