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Showing posts from November, 2018

Indian writing in English- Assignment on Paper no.4

Assignment no; 4 Paper No. 4- Indian writing in English Sem.1 Presented by, -Prinjal shiyal Assignment no. 4 Submitted to; Smt. S. B.Gardi MKBU- Department of English Question ; (1)  Sir. Aurobindo :Explain critical question aboutSir. Aurobindo’s period ?  Ans : Introduction ;    Sri Aurobindo Ghose ;    Aurobindo was one of the leading politicians and great religious thinkers in twentieth century India. He was a leader of the first national political party with a platform demanding the independence of India from British rule. His writings and actions helped to revitalize India politically and spiritually. Early Life;      Sri Aurobindo Ghose was born in Calcutta, India, on August 15, 1872. His father, Krishna Dhan Ghose, was a respected physician who, after his preliminary degree, went to England for further study. Ghose returned the year before Aurobindo was born with not only a secondary degree but also a love of England and an atheistic bent. In 1879, A

Assignment: paper no. 3 "Hamartia"

Assignment no. 3 Paper No. 3  Sem.1 Prinjal shiyal Question ; (1) what is Hamartia? What role does it, play in the characteristics of tragic hero?  Ans;   Hamartia means; I. What is Hamartia? Hamartia is the tragic flaw or error that reverses a protagonist’s fortune from good to bad. Hamartia, pronounced hah-mahr-tee–uh, is derived from the Greek phrase hamartanein meaning “to err” or “to miss the mark.” Hamartia includes character flaws such as excessive ambition, greed, or pride which result in tragic consequences. II. Examples of Hamartia: Hamartia is a main element of the classic tragic play. Usually, this tragic flaw causes a complicated story to arise and develop. For a basic understanding of hamartia, though, consider these short story examples: Example 1 Gregory is extremely driven and will not give up for anything. While training for football season, he twists his ankle. His doctor advises him to take at least two weeks off from training, but he refuses to

Assignment Neoclassical age. paper no. 2

Assignment 2 Paper No. 2 Neo classical literature  Sem. 2 Prinjal shiyal  Q. What are general characteristics of the Neoclassical age? Ans Literature can be broadly divided into ages, starting from the middle ages, renaissance, neoclassical period, romantic period, modern period, to the post-modern period. Neoclassical authors saw the world under a new light. Unlike the previous two eras, the writers of this era gave more importance to social needs as compared to individual needs. They believed that man can find meaning in society, religion, natural order, government, and literature. In no time, the winds of a new revolution swept through Europe and North America, and changed everything from art and literature to society and fashion, on its way. Though the neoclassical era later transitioned into the romantic era, it left behind a prominent footprint which can be seen in the literary works of today. The term neo means new while classical refers to the Roman and Greek classic

Film Screening of Robinson Crusoe

Robinson Crusoe      Review Abou movie Robinson Crusoe.               Daniel Defoe wrote Robinson Crusoe at the age of fifty nine and it was an immediate success. The story of Robinson Crusoe that has delighted the young, and the old for that matter, for over two hundred years was actually based on an experience in the life of a seaman, Alexander Selkrik, who spent four y  Daniel Defoe wrote Robinson Crusoe at the age of fifty nine and it was an immediate success. The story of Robinson Crusoe that has delighted the young, and the old for that matter, for over two hundred years was actually based on an experience in the life of a seaman, Alexander Selkrik, who spent four years on the deserted Island of Juan Fernandez.  ears on the deserted Island of Juan Fernandez.                                     Most of the dialogues and scenes are covered in the film. Robinson Crusoe, a third son with few prospects, goes to sea against his father's wishes. On a voyage f

Mario Vargas LIosa

Mario Vargas LIosa's Interview.                Mario Vargas LIosa :- Vargas Llosa is one of Latin America's most significant novelists and essayists, and one of the leading writers of his generation. Some critics consider him to have had a larger international impact and worldwide audience than any other writer of the  Latin American Boom . In 2010 he won the  Nobel Prize in Literature , "for his cartography of structures of power and his trenchant images of the individual's resistance, revolt, and defeat."  The work of the 2018 Nobel Laureates also included combating war crimes, as well as integrating innovation and climate with economic growth. he states his opinion regarding the most important current political, social and cultural events. He also teaches literature courses at American universities and writes literary essays. Although Vargas Llosa began writing plays in the 1980s, it was not until 2005 that he decided to take

Thinking activity: Hamlet by William Shakespeare.

 Hamlet By William Shakespeare . Yes, it is William Shakespeare's play "Hamlet."          We know that about Hamlet, but after screening of movie and I get more knowledge. It's Shakespeare's tragedy.              (1) How faithful is the movie to the original play?             Here, line to line is currently applying and all dialogues are very well. All over full play's story is related to the original text, but only few characters behavior and mentality ia changed. When here, Hamlet's mother Gertrude is like free to behave of any action taken.        Text in Gertrude's character is shy and unspeakable woman, but in the move her lifestyle is same but her behavior is, I find this type of some points. The movie is all over faithful and related to the original play by Shakespeare's Hamlet. (2) After watching the movie, have your perception about play, characters or situations changed?                              

Paradise Lost

Paradise Lost So, sir give us Three questions about Paradise Lost and I try to give answer it. First we know that, "Paradise lost" is written by John Milton. And it's two parts;                  1) Buble's Paradise lost, and              2) Milton's Paradise lost.            Here, three characters;              1) Eve               2) Adam                3) God                 4) The Devil, etc...       Ques tion 1 write a critical note on character of Eve. So, here my view about this character of Eve. Eve like, Milton's point of view as a typical womanish nature. She is frail, beautiful, clever, yet easy to be seducesd. She deserves all praise for her beauty. She is the beloved wife of Adam. Milton in delineating the character of Eve, has portrayed the weakness of woman. God foretells of man's fall to Christ in the words! For ex,  " So will full Hee and his faithless progenie: whose fault? Whose but h

Thinking activity on "Do. FAUSTUS"

Thinking activity on Dr. Faustus About this 4 photographs and questions;         ;                                                                                                               1) Answer;                         First picture related lusifer's evilness, he has wings.This play's directed by Mathew Dunster for global theater. Lusifer's darkness and evilness is more powerful than Faustus. First here, Faustus believe in God but, he think that he wants to be more knowledgeable than others. And than he fall down, when without wings Lucifer's look like simple, but when he comes with their wings as a identity of evilness it's fearful and horrible condition. So, here lusifer's personality and tendencies is against the humanity.    (2) :-.                                            Yes, here "God" is present in this play,  because good and bad Angeles present in the play. When Faustus is go on wrong wa