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Paradise Lost

Paradise Lost

So, sir give us Three questions about Paradise Lost and I try to give answer it.

First we know that, "Paradise lost" is written by John Milton. And it's two parts;
             1) Buble's Paradise lost, and
             2) Milton's Paradise lost.

           Here, three characters;

             1) Eve

              2) Adam

               3) God

                4) The Devil, etc...

     Question 1 write a critical note on character of Eve.

So, here my view about this character of Eve.
Eve like, Milton's point of view as a typical womanish nature. She is frail, beautiful, clever, yet easy to be seducesd. She deserves all praise for her beauty. She is the beloved wife of Adam. Milton in delineating the character of Eve, has portrayed the weakness of woman.
God foretells of man's fall to Christ in the words!

For ex, 
" So will full
Hee and his faithless progenie: whose fault?
Whose but his own? ingrate, he had of mee 
All he could have; I made him just and right, 
Sufficient to have stood, through free to talk."

 The character of Eve is symbolic on several layers of meaning. At first she is a woman created inferior to her male partner. Eve is physically weak person, but he wants to freedom and be independent woman for herself.
So, here Eve is main character and also she is a favour of woman's perspective.

Question 2 whose argument did you find more convincing ?

In Milton's paradise Lost is two characters argument is very powerful. One ia Eve and another one is the Devil.
So, here in my point of view in the Devil's arguments are more convincing, because when devil comes to divert their mind, so,at that time we Know that Eve is very emotional character . And she easily accept his argument about eating apple.
So, here in my point of view in Setan means The Devil is more powerful in his argument.
Question 3 How do you look at Divine perspective in Genesis of the Bible and Human perspective in John Milton's paradise lost book 9.
Here, two type of different perspective like a good or bad, Evil or divine, joy and woy etc.
So, Eve, Adam, Setan, God and son of God etc here characters in this book, but some are like divine in Buble's Paradise Lost.
And Human's perspective of Milton's paradise Lost.
Like God is Son of God is in Buble's concept. And they devour of men.
But, Milton's paradise Lost in like Eve is also free woman to take actions.
So, here, my answers about this three questions.



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