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Thinking activity: Hamlet by William Shakespeare.

 Hamlet By William Shakespeare.

Yes, it is William Shakespeare's play "Hamlet."
         We know that about Hamlet, but after screening of movie and I get more knowledge. It's Shakespeare's tragedy.

     (1) How faithful is the movie to the original play?
      Here, line to line is currently applying and all dialogues are very well. All over full play's story is related to the original text, but only few characters behavior and mentality ia changed. When here, Hamlet's mother Gertrude is like free to behave of any action taken.
       Text in Gertrude's character is shy and unspeakable woman, but in the move her lifestyle is same but her behavior is, I find this type of some points. The movie is all over faithful and related to the original play by Shakespeare's Hamlet.

(2) After watching the movie, have your perception about play, characters or situations changed?


             Yes, after watching movie my perception about this tragedy, characters and situations is really changed, because I know about all characters but I don't find anything is unclear in movie.

    In this play, I really interesting and knowledgeable for, play is allover related to the original text.

     Here, all characters between major and minor changes, like Gertrude's character. And Hamlet's catharsis etc. But, all characters in the movie is easily understand.

    Killing Sean, marriage Sean and end of the play in the movie is very interesting and informative.

(3) Do you feel 'aesthetic delight' while watching the movie? If yes, exactly when did it happen? If no, you explain with reasons?

    Yes, I feel 'aesthetic delight.' when Hamlet's Father king Hamlet's ghost come and say realities in his death. So, at that time I was think "I am in ghost's world." That's the only reason for aesthetic delight after watching the movie.

(4) Do you feel 'catharsis' while or after watching movie? If yes, exactly when did it happen? If no, can you explain with reasons?

Here, when king Hamlet's ghost come and talk to Hamlet, at that time Hamlet's mind is very confused. And here we see that catharsis. And it's to bad, because Hamlet's overthinking. Hamlet is best example of catharsis.

(5) Does screening of movie help you in better understanding of the play?

Yes, when firs time hear name of this tragedy, 'Hamlet.' so,  at that time I don't know about each other relationship, but when after watching the movie I feel better than before.

(6) Was there any particular scene or moment in the movie that you will cherish life time?
Yes, whe I saw the movie and after many days I remember one incident and it was cruelty of man. And here is one line related to woman, like " Cruelty thy name is woman!" 
It is not correct but in 21 century's people read this tragedy and say ' Cruelty thy name is men.'
So, it was unforgettable experience in this movie.

(7) If you director, what changes would you like to make in the remarking of movie on Shakespeare's "Hamlet"? 

Definitely I would like to change some points of the movie. At first I want to change the end of movie and make better person instead of this Hamlet. And woman is not dependent but they're always independent. But some woman are accept easily be a property of men. So, feminism is  one of the best challenge.

(8)  In the beginning of the movie, camera rolls over the statue of king Hamlet outside the Elsinore castle. The movie enas with the similar sequence where in the statue of king Hamlet is hammered down to the dust.what sort of symbolism do you read in this? (Clue : In book 9 of 'Paradise Lost' Satan deflects on his revenge motive: "But what will not ambition and revenge resend to? Who aspires must down as low, As high he soared, obnoxious, first or last, To baste things. Revenge, at first through sweet, Bitter are long back on itself recoils. " Is it not king Hamlet's ambition to revenge his death responsible for the down fall of his kingdom which is symbolically pictured in last scenes?)

Start of the movie or tragedy in first we can see that statue of king Hamlet. And end of the movie is also same here end with the fall down of the statue of king. In Paradise Lost is related to the movie of Hamlet. Because of here also revenge motive. And starting to higher position in Hamlet and king Hamlet. At the end of the movie in kings Kingdom and also king hammered down to the dust. His high Laval is collapsed, like his kingdom.

(9) While studying the play through movie which approach do you find more applicable to the play? Why? Give reasons with illustrations.

Here many approach find in this tragedy. But, two approaches is more highlighted Psychological approach and Feminist approach. Psychological related Hamlet's character and Feminist approach is related to Gertrude and Opheli's character is mostly relevant.

(10) Which of the above mentioned approaches (in previewing task) appeals you more than other why? Give reason.

So, in the play Gertrude and Ophelia's character is a different and voice less. 'Feminism' approach is clearly visible here. Ophelia is made and it's her love for Hamlet. But, she is voiceless and minority of man's comparison.

Gertrude is another of Hamlet and wife of king Hamlet. Her nature is totally different and minor in the movie.

So, at the end of movie I feel better than before. The movie is very close to the original tragedy by Shakespeare.

Thank you 


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