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Film Screening of Robinson Crusoe

Robinson Crusoe
     Review Abou movie Robinson Crusoe.


Daniel Defoe wrote Robinson Crusoe at the age of fifty nine and it was an immediate success. The story of Robinson Crusoe that has delighted the young, and the old for that matter, for over two hundred years was actually based on an experience in the life of a seaman, Alexander Selkrik, who spent four y Daniel Defoe wrote Robinson Crusoe at the age of fifty nine and it was an immediate success. The story of Robinson Crusoe that has delighted the young, and the old for that matter, for over two hundred years was actually based on an experience in the life of a seaman, Alexander Selkrik, who spent four years on the deserted Island of Juan Fernandez. ears on the deserted Island of Juan Fernandez.


                   Most of the dialogues and scenes are covered in the film. Robinson Crusoe, a third son with few prospects, goes to sea against his father's wishes. On a voyage from Brazil to Africa to collect slaves, a storm forces him to abandon ship. He swims alone to a deserted Island somewhere in the Atlantic Ocean on September 30,1659.
               To his delight, the abandoned ship turns up on an offshore rock,  allowing him to salvage food, tools, firearms and other items before it sinks. He herds goats, hunts game, makes clothes, and builds a home with only the company of a dog, rex, and a cat.


Friday and Crusoe also rescue a spaniard. Eventually, an English long boat full of sailors lands on the island. Crusoe learns that the man have mutinied against their captain. After Crusoe helps restore order to the ship, the men and captain pledge allegiance and agree to take him home. And then at the end of the novel Robinson return to the his home England with Friday.
             He does not want to leave this island. Because he is emotionally attached with this island. He learns many things on this island. This island gives many things to him. And also he becomes the king of this island. And also he becomes a master of Friday. And he becomes a creative person on this island. He made many things on this island. He earns money on this island. He meets Friday on this island. He becomes rich on this island. Whole story of Robinson describes in the novel.
       So, here is my answer about Scrining of Robinson Crusoe. 


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