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Showing posts from April, 2019

Cultural studies : Assignment paper 8

Presented by Prinjal Shiyal Enrollment no. 2069108420190041. Paper no. 8 Batch year, 2018- 2020. Email ID. Submitted to ; Maharajah krishnakumarsinghji Bhavnagar university. (MKBU) * Limitations of cultural studies:-   Meaning:-  There are at least five distinct uses of cultural studies, making it difficult to know exactly what people are attacking or defending. It has been used to describe, alone or in various combinations:Any progressive cultural criticism and theory (replacing "critical theory," which served as the umbrella term of the 1980s);    The study of popular culture, especially in conjunction with the political problematic of identity and difference;So-called "postmodern" theories that advocate a cultural or discursive constructionism (and, thus, supposedly embrace relativism);Research on the politics of textuality applied broadly to include social life, especially based in poststructuralist theories of ideology, discour

Literary criticism 2 Assignment paper 7

Presented by Prinjal Shiyal Enrollment no. 2069108420190041. Paper no. 7 Batch year, 2018- 2020. Email ID. Submitted to ; Maharaja krishnakumarsinghji Bhavnagar university. (MKBU) # I. A. Richard's view on the Language of poetry :-     I.A. Richards, born in 1893, is one of the great critics of the modern age, and has influenced a number of critics on both sides of the Atlantic. He and T.S. Eliot are pioneers in the field of New Criticism, though they differ from each other in certain important respects. He is the first-rate critic, since Coleridge, who has formulated a systematic and complete theory of poetry, and his views are highly original and illuminating. In his “Principles of Literary Criticism” chapter 34, he discusses the most neglected subject, i.e. the theory of language and the two uses of language. To understand much the theory of poetry and what is said about poetry, a clear comprehension of the differences between the uses of langu

Romantic literature: Assignment paper 5

Presented by Prinjal Shiyal Enrollment no. 2069108420190041. Paper no. 5 Batch year, 2018- 2020.a Email ID. Submitted to ; Maharaja krishnakumarsinghji Bhavnagar university. (MKBU) Narrative technique in Frankenstein. About Mary Shelley :- Mary Shelley was born Mary Wollstonecraft Godwin in Somers Town, London, in 1797. She was the second child of the feminist philosopher, educator, and writer Mary Wollstonecraft, and the first child of the philosopher, novelist, and journalist William Godwin. Wollstonecraft died of puerperal fever shortly after Mary was born. Godwin was left to bring up Mary, along with her older half-sister, Fanny Imlay, Wollstonecraft's child by the American speculator Gilbert Imlay.A year after Wollstonecraft's death, Godwin published his Memoirs of the Author of A Vindication of the Rights of Woman (1798), which he intended as a sincere and compassionate tribute. However, because the Memoirs revealed Wollstonecraft

Victorian literature : Assignment paper 6

Presented by Prinjal Shiyal Enrollment no. 2069108420190041. Paper no. 6 Batch year, 2018- 2020. Email ID. Submitted to ; Maharaja krishnakumarsinghji Bhavnagar university. (MKBU) 1.Introduction: Dickens and Socialism? “The real objective of Socialism is human brotherhood."       Dickens a socialist?  Dickens a utopian?  Most readers of the novels of Charles Dickens would probably regard these questions with incredulity.  To many readers, Dickens’ novels are stories of cheerful folks regaling themselves with sumptuous repasts while reclining at a cozy fireside.  They read his books as fairy tales that do not significantly challenge readers intellectually, emotionally or ethically.  Dickens is said to have written kid stuff that also appeals to adults.  His stories involve easy criticism of unjust Victorian social institutions that are long gone, and invoke easy moral judgments against the neglect of impoverished children.  Rich philanthropists of

Thinking activity: Derrida and Deconstruction

Derrida and Deconstruction :-   French philosopher Jacques Derrida, collecting some of the early lectures and essays that established his international fame. It was published in 1967 alongside Of Grammatology and Speech and Phenomena. The question of why Derrida’s texts are so difficult is interesting in itself. One reason is the unfamiliarity of his concepts. Another is his concern that statements asserting knowledge always assume other knowledge. As Hilary Lawson says in his excellent 1985 book Reflexivity: The Post-Modern Predicament, “our ‘certainties’ are expressed through texts, through language, through sign systems, which are no longer seen to be neutral. It appears, therefore, in principle there can be no arena of certainty.” Derrida wants to avoid making statements which depend either on fixed linguistic meanings or on assumptions made elsewhere. Take the word ‘justice’. The word signifies an abstract concept. Our concept of justice is moreover associated

Thinking activity on the Structuralism

What is structuralism?  There are two types of methodology used by critics for study of language. 1. Diachronic 2. Synchronic Diachronic and Synchronicare two different viewpoints in linguistic analysis. A synchronic approach considers a language at a moment in a time without taking its history into account, Synchronic linguistics aims at describing a language at a specific point of time,usually the present. Languge = Langue + Parole In simple way Languge means the entire human potential for speech, Langue means the system that each of us uses to generate discourse which is intelligible to others, and Parole is individual utterance. Sign = Signifier + Signified Sign is anything that coveys the message, signifier give meaning in word or image and signified is related with mental concept, what evokes in the mind. 1) order :- In the Drishyam movie,firstly the murdered is caught, afterward it came to know that the murder is happen and at last the the reason of murde

Thinking activity on Northrop Frye

Thinking activity on Northrop Frye  1) What is Archetypal criticism ? What does the Archetypal critic do?  ●   Archetypal criticism means the term denotes recurrent designes, patterns of action, character types, themes and images which are identifiable in a wide variety of works of literature,as well as some other work. 2) what is Frye trying prove by giving an analogy of " physics to Nature " and " criticism to literature " ?    ● Anyone cannot able to teach or learn literature. But what we learn is criticism. But though we say that we learn literature. The way nature works for physics in the same manner criticism works for literature. So that's why here, criticism to Nature. 3) share your views of criticism as an organised body of knowledge. Mention relation of literature with history and philosophy.   ● History and philosophy helps us to connected present idea and history and philosophy always remain together with literature. "Litera

Thinking activity on writer I. A. Richards

 I. A. Richard. Here, we can see photo of yang I. A. Richard. 1.Write  about one idea of MATTHEW ARNOLD which you find interesting & relevant in your time? His view was to know the best that is known & thought in the world, & by in its turn making this known, to create a current of true & fresh ideas & he has influenced a whole school of critics. 2.Write about one idea of MATTHEW ARNOLD which you find interesting & relevant in your time?  In a simple language he wants to say that for judging any new poet's best work and by taking best work of old poet we have to compare it with new poet's work and analyze the new work and if its have the same quality which old work has then we can consider that new work as good or best work. Here, no need to comparison with other.  Thank you 

Thinking activity on Mathew Arnold

Mathew Arnold  Mathew Arnold :-      Matthew Arnold  24 December 1822 – 15 April 1888. He was an English poet and cultural critique.  who worked as an inspector of schools. He was the son of Thomas  Arnold , the famed headmaster of Rugby  School  and his brother to both Tom Arnold  literary professor.  novelist and colonial administrator. Matthew Arnold has been characterised as a sage writer  a type of writer who chastises and instructs the reader on contemporary social issues. "But often, in the world’s most crowded streets, But often, in the din of strife, There rises an unspeakable desire After the knowledge of our buried life; A thirst to spend our fire and restless force In tracking out our true, original course; A longing to inquire Into the mystery of this heart which beats So wild, so deep in us—to know Whence our lives come and where they go."       It's very famous quotation by Mathew Arnold.                            Thank yo

T. S. Eliot's Essay on, Thinking activitie.

T. S. Eliot ( Thinking activity). 1) .How would you like to explain Eliot's concept of Tradition? Do you agree with it? Yes, I agree with Eliot's concept of tradition.Eliot takes the tradition in a positive way as well as in a larger sense. He also points out that following the tradition is not only slavish imitation. The countries and nations try to preserve their tradition as heritage which is essential part of their culture and also handed down from generation to generation. Here one should not merely imitate the tradition but one has to add something new or creative in it and must write with the history in his bones.Tradition is not inherited but it must be acquired with great labor. So we can say that he put emphasizes on mingling the past and present with historical sense. 2) What do you understand by Historical Sense? "The historical sense involves a perception, not only of the pastness of the past, but of its presence" The historical sense abou