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Thinking activity on Northrop Frye

Thinking activity on Northrop Frye 

1) What is Archetypal criticism ? What does the Archetypal critic do? 

●  Archetypal criticism means the term denotes recurrent designes, patterns of action, character types, themes and images which are identifiable in a wide variety of works of literature,as well as some other work.

2) what is Frye trying prove by giving an analogy of " physics to Nature " and " criticism to literature " ?  

 ●Anyone cannot able to teach or learn literature. But what we learn is criticism. But though we say that we learn literature. The way nature works for physics in the same manner criticism works for literature. So that's why here, criticism to Nature.

3) share your views of criticism as an organised body of knowledge. Mention relation of literature with history and philosophy. 

 ●History and philosophy helps us to connected present idea and history and philosophy always remain together with literature. "Literature is the central division of Humanities. "

   3) Briefly explain inductive method with illustration of Shakespeare's Hamlet's grave Digger's scene. 

 ●Here, specific scene and From that scene we come to some general conclusion. In that scene there were two grave diggers and they seemed in quite in harmony with their work. They were talking with one another and singing a song during the grave digger scene.

5) Briefly explain deductive method with reference to an analogy to music, painting, rhythm and pattern - Give example of the outcome of deductive method. 

●We find here, both cases the organizing principle is recurrence ,which is called rhythm,when it is temporal and then it is spatial. We speak of rhythm of music and the pattern of painting.

●Music - Inductive method.

●Rhythm - Deductive method.
6) Refer to the India seasonal grid (below)  If you can, please read small Gujarati or Hindi poem from the archetypal approach and apply Indian seasonal grid in the interpretations. 

So, here we find some interesting questions and answers.
                                                  Thank you!


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