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Thinking activity on the Structuralism

What is structuralism? 

There are two types of methodology used by critics for study of language.

1. Diachronic
2. Synchronic

Diachronic and Synchronicare two different viewpoints in linguistic analysis. A synchronic approach considers a language at a moment in a time without taking its history into account, Synchronic linguistics aims at describing a language at a specific point of time,usually the present.

Languge = Langue + Parole
In simple way Languge means the entire human potential for speech, Langue means the system that each of us uses to generate discourse which is intelligible to others, and Parole is individual utterance.

Sign = Signifier + Signified
Sign is anything that coveys the message, signifier give meaning in word or image and signified is related with mental concept, what evokes in the mind.

1) order:-

In the Drishyam movie,firstly the murdered is caught, afterward it came to know that the murder is happen and at last the the reason of murder is revelaed. So this follow the sequence of C,A,B.


Iterative-An event can occur n times and be narrated once
Repetitive-An event can occur once and be narrated n times
Multiple-An event can occur n times and be narrated n times


The separation between an event and its narration means that there is discourse timeand narrative time. In the movie Rustom, when he went on his job and passed more than a year there, but this lengthy period of time is narrated in only five minutes.


Voice is concerned with who narrates, and from where. This can be split four ways.
Where the narration is from intra-diegetic
In Rustom, Akshay Kumar palyed the role of protagonist and narrator narrated story from different perspective, one was taken by the protagonist of movie.
 Is the narrator a character in the story? Homo-diegetic
As the protagonist also narrated some part of the story, it can be said that this term was used in this movie.


Genette said narrative mood is dependent on the 'distance' and 'perspective' of the narrator, and like music, narrative mood has predominant patterns. It is related to voice.
Distance of the narrator changes with narrated speech, transposed speech and reported speech.
In Rustom, some narration has been done by protagonist, from it we supposed that he was very closer at level of distance but at the end we can see that this perspective was effected by prejudice.


Perspective of the narrator is called focalization. Narratives can be non-focalized, internally focalized or externally focalized.
Focalization in this movie is Patriotism.

 So, this five types of part is very important in Structuralism. 
Thank you 


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