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Edgar Allan Poe's Short Stories ; Pre-Task

                          ◆ Edgar Allan Poe's Short Stories ◆


   1). Read the first Gujarati story and listen to the audio recitation of the second story. Observe how the two wordsmiths work wonders through words!

     ◆In the story I find  differences to read the story and listen to the audio recitation of the second story. But, somehow it's similar and easy to understand. I really like and I get proper meaning of the story. So, it's my opinion for readers at die you read the story and than you listen. If you choose this suggestion and after you will get satisfaction at the end of the story. 

2). Which are the phrases you find frightening? How are they placed in the text?

     I find many phrases like, symbol of something bad happening is related to the "Darkness" and somehow its we use in various mythical stories also. And its placed very simply in the text. so, I want to share my personal view about frightening, once I was in the school at that time I have fear for dark night and when it happen and I was remember some fairy tales stories and than I was like small one year child. so, its my story about frightening. but, somehow I find frighten is not only physical thought but, also psychological illness and mind set.   

  3). Can you find out any other lexical varieties such as figures of speech like simile, metaphor, personification etc?

    I try to find but, sometime people read any works in own mind set and some personal points of views. and here I was unable to find some particular similar things but, I try to see some metaphor.

   4). What is the impact of listening to the stories on your mind? Which Rasas/emotions erupt in you during and after the reading/listening sessions?
Please feel free to make an apt use of emoticons, GIF etc as and where applicable in your answers.

◆When I only read the text book at that time I could not satisfied with my reading, but I listen something once than it will become more helpful to me. We are human beings and we have emotions, own thoughts and feelings, and each person thinking their own ways.  And rather than reading I choose at first listening because, I personally like it and it's very previous forever for me.  

     After reading/listening sessions - underneath rasaas erupt in my mind...

1. Love/Sringara

2. Joy/Hasya

3. Wonder/Adhuta

4. Courage/Vira

5. Peace/Shanta

6. Sadness/Karuna

7. Anger/Raudra

8. Fear/Bhayanaka

9. Disgust/Vibhasta

    When I disable to understand the text reading, than I always give priority to listening. For me both are important to better understand any written works. So, it's my points of view and I always follow this as entertainment for education, knowledge and information. And than I feel happy and for to go deep and critical thinking of any work of art.


                                             Thank You!


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