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Poet Vinod Joshi on "Sairandhri"

◆Interview on Sairandhri by Vinod Joshi◆

    He is a post modern poet, writer and criticVinod joshi is one of the best poet in preset time, he write about Cultural, Traditional, Social and so on.


        poem is reflection of poet's thoughts and reflection of background language. So here Vinod joshi born in rural area so He handed down his rural words in poem. Draupadi was daughter of king Drupad. Here Vinod Joshi presented droupadi as lover of Karna. When we separate away from our selves at that time we lost our root form and personal identity. In Mahabharta She don't raise question for her identity who has not freedom to express own desire and emotions. She was not able to protect herself with praise. In the poem she was powerful woman described by him. This poem explain about only one woman alone or lonely, emotions and feelings, own importance is not show clearly.

       Sairandhri was published in 2018 and it's called poem. This metrical poem composed in prabandha form with seven cantos, 49 chapters and 1800 lines.  Draupadi was live with five husbands for lifetime, without her choice in the Mahabharata.

   I conclude my argument with the some points like, In the poem she was powerful woman described by him; but, can people accept this truth and give women for become independence. But, I have a question, "Why women wants freedom, choices, own importance and independent from men?" Can women are always treats by men or society? May be yes or may be not because, it depends on women's own choice to live life.

                          ☺️Thank you!☺️


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