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The Sense of an ending

   The Sense of an Ending is a 2011 novel written by British author Julian Barnes. The book is Barnes' eleventh novel written under his own name (he has also written crime fiction under the pseudonym Dan Kavanagh) and was released on 4 August 2011 in the United Kingdom. The Sense of an Ending is narrated by a retired man named Tony Webster, who recalls how he and his clique met Adrian Finn at school and vowed to remain friends for life. When the past catches up with Tony, he reflects on the paths he and his friends have taken. In October 2011, The Sense of an Ending was awarded the Man Booker Prize. The following month it was nominated in the novels category at the Costa Book Awards. (Wikipedia)

 ◆What is the meaning of phrase ‘Blood Money’ in Veronica’s reply email?
     The sense of an ending novel is logical and difficult to understand. The meaning of this Phrase is that someone's 'blood' involve in that money and perhaps that blood was Adrian's blood. And this truth mentioned in her email. I think this is the hidden truth and it's bitter for Adrian.

◆Do you see any missing block – some dot which is not getting connected with the whole or dot missing to get full sense of the novel - in the plot of this psychological thriller?
    I think this work is properly complete but, I think there are communication gap make more distance between memories and truth. Otherwise this is perfect for readers and it will be surprised for all. The sense of an ending is deconstruction of memories and traditional mentally and that is the point for become interactive reader.

◆Do you see any possible reason in the suicide of Adrian Finn?
     I think one sentence is on the someone's blood involve in that money and perhaps that blood was Adrian's blood. And it has one reason Adrian has relationship with Veronica's mother Sarah and that's why Adrian committed suicide so, blood of Adrian was involved in that money that's why Veronica called it “Blood Money.” I guess that this is one of the possible reason for Adrian Finn's suicide.

 ◆How do you decipher the equation:
  b = s – v x/+ a1 or a2 + v + a1 X s = b?

       I think b= s – v x / + a1 and  B means Baby, S means Sarah Ford, V means Veronica and last A1 is Adrian. According to writer the conclusion points were open ended and at the end of the novel it is not only mysterious but also unbelievable end of the novel. And ‘b’ stand for baby which is the result of Sarah Ford and Adrians relationship. Sarah Ford was the one who responsible for Adrian and Veronica’s breakup. So after breakup with veronica Sarah and Adrian became lover and than baby is the result of their relationship and it is truth.

  ◆What do you mean by Unreliable Narrator? Is Tony Webster classifiable as Unreliable Narrator?
   Yes, because memory is not authentic for the truth and reality come out through time passes. Here narrator himself believes in his own memories and constructed mentality towards Veronica and her boyfriend. So, that's why I can say that here one who is narrator he himself as unreliable narrator of the novel.  And yes, because it's is come out by Tony Webster at the end of the novel.

                                   Thank you!


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