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Post colonial studies

      ✍️ Dr. Balaji Rang Nathan's lecture on post colonial studies.

      Dr. Dilip Barad sir  organized this wonderful session/ guest lecture on  19, 20 and 21 Aug 2019. Prof. Dr. Balaji Ranganathan
Chairperson. The Centre for Comparative Literature and Translation Studies. SCHOOL OF LANGUAGE, LITERATURE AND CULTURE STUDIES. Central University of Gujarat, Gandhinagar. He has deep knowledge about the post colonial studies and I met second time in department of english MKBU. This three days was very important for me and I got previous knowledge by Balaji Ranganathn sir, let's see about it...

  ◆ Main topics about the post colonial studies like,

  ● Frantz Fanon's Black skins and White masks.

 ● Salaman Rushdie's Imaginary Homeland.

 ● A Tempest by William Shakespeare and The Tempast by Aime Cesaire.

       ◆First day sir was talk about Frantz Fanon's "Black Skins and White Masks."

  Sir talk about imperialism and post colonialism. How to set colonies and their rules ? 

  "East of east & west of west." 

   Sir talk about 1890s charter act plan and Mechole & 1835 human education and also about Middel east. Post colonials victory, violence, desire and impossibility inspire etc.

  ◆Fanon black skins and white masks into some important points;

     "Toward a new humanism

        understanding among men.

       Our colored brother 

       Making, I believe in you

        Race prejudice

       To understand and to love..."

  ◆ Sir explain to all very well and he says, 'actually what does a man want?' & 'What does in his blackness ?' The white man is sealed in his whiteness and the black man in his blackness, this two sentences talk a lot about this topic.

 He gives information about the "Jangal Savage"  and give example of Tempest. Like larger civilization and colonial modernity. After that he give chapter wise details,

● The negro and language,
● The woman of colour and the white man.
● The Man of colour and the white woman.
● The Negro and Psychology.
● The Negro and Recognition.
● By way of conclusion. So it was our first day's journey with sir.

Second day with sir...

    On the 20th August Sir's topic was "Orientalism." Orientalism book by Edward said and sir discuss about the religion. Three religions during this era like,
        Stereotyping of community and it's influence. Clash between Christian and Islamic class in Europe. In 1977 - 'origin' by Edward Said and Bibles influence and 18th century imagination. 

  ◆ Vico's great observation that man make their own history.
   ◆ Second qualification; understanding to balance on culture you make a balance on specific.
   ◆ Third distinctions; The distinction between Pure and Political knowledge. 

  • Orientalism within the imperialism is not pure, but political knowledge. Geopolitical awareness, it's connected with imperialism. And sir says Orientalism as the methodology.

   Second session;  The Tempest by William Shakespeare and A Tempest by Aime Cesaire.

   Shakespeare basis on certain formate, like,

● Terms;
◆ Identities,
◆ Colonial resistance,
◆ Appropriation,
◆ Language,
◆ Rebalion.

 ◆ And difference between both the Tempest.

  And last day...

     ★ Imaginary Homeland by Salaman Rushadie

  ●  Three conflicts:-

  1) Approach Approach conflict,

  2) Approach Avoidance,

  3) Avoidance Avoidance.

  ★  Sir give us deep information about this three conflicts, and diasporic world, social condition, way of writing, malayala (Arab) in oil industries. Late 18s and early 19s period was related to imaginary homeland. In this age home connection, faster ideas and nature problems and some other points and how this three conflicts works?

  ★ Nostalgia and Memory (1946)

  ● It's about past and present, cosmopolitan and multiculturalism.( New York and Canada) Isolated Racism and Bombay in various imaginary ways to see, Midnight's children in Bangladesh war and Gandhiji etc we discussed in the last lecture. So, many colonial things like, Books, films, written works etc more effective between the 70s to 90s. So, it's my three day's journey and I got precious knowledge above all this topics. 

   ☺️Group picture with sir and Dilip Barad sir...


                   ✍️ Thank you!



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