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Thinking activity on Education and Technology

  ◆◆◆Education and Technology:- ELT -2

        My dear friends and readers this task is given by Prof. Dilip Barad sir and it has 8 videos in the thinking activity, click here for this task. 


1. Sir Ken Robinson: changing paradigm.

◆"We are educating people out of their creativity," Robinson says.

   In the first video, I find some interesting things like, he talks about, Reforming public education there are two reasons for it,

   He talks about Globalization in the context of information technology in the present and future. One most important part is the 'Alienation' because, millions of kids who don't see any purpose in going to school. And he gives reasons also, why do we want to go to school or college? We do that for HARD WORK, DO WELL, COLLEGE and JOB. Of course we have a degree but it's not guarantee anymore in the present time also. The currant system was designed and conceived for a different age. He talked about Intellectual culture of the enlightenment, Economic circumstances of the Industrial Revolution.

   Public Education; middle of the 19th century there were no any system like public education. He talks on JESUITS - find God in all things. Public education paid by Taxation and this is like compulsory to everyone. He has revolutionary ideas and he wants to change something through rich and poor people. In this video through I find some satirical sentences also. Fictitious academic like Arts, science, and maths etc.

  ● Revolutionary ideas: Many people object to it they said it's not possible for many street kids; like working class children. Assumptions about social structure and capacity of the time. Academic ability and intellectual model of the mind. He says that two types of public education:

●Non academic

   Here are the concept of smartness and well educated people and not smart people like villagers. Two pillars of the public education:


    And he talks on many notable points like, CHAOS, Modern epidemic, MAP of prescriptions for ADHD;
●As misplaced
●As fictitious

   He says that, ' information and course their attention from every platform computers, from iPhone, fro. Advertising hoardings, from hundreds of television channels and were penalizing them for getting distracted from what no boring stuff at school.'

     " The Arts are victims of this mentality."

    The idea of esthetic experience. We should be working them up to what is inside of themselves! Education is modeled on the interests of industrialization like subject, category of age groups, small groups and large groups. Standardization is an essential capacity for creativity and Divergent thinking; isn't the same as thing as creativity and the process of having original ideas that have value. And let's ability to question, not linear or convergent ways to see, but multiple answers. And he give one example for it, 'Paper clip'. It's very useful but, in how much Field in we use so, different age through our way of thinking and remembering is different through his experiment on one girl child. Like, the Garten children gives 98%, than she will between 8 or 10 than she gives 50% ad than finally at the age of 13 to 15 she gives 10% to 15% response in this experiment. He says that outside school that's called "collaboration". In the exact opposite direction through this. We have to think differently about human capacity and he also talks on academic, non academic, abstract/ theoretically things also. He says that, 'Great learning happens in groups.' And then he says collaboration is the stuff of growth. At the last few words is that kind of distinction between them and their natural learning environment and thirdly it's crucially about the culture at institutions and our willingness to accept something new.

  2. Sugata Mitra: School in the cloud - SOLE

  Sugata Mitra says schooling and it came from 300 years ago it came from the biggest empires on this planet; 'The British Empire'. Paper and travelling by ships through they collect data handed through it. He says that the computer is how useful in present time and it's called the Bureaucratic administrative machine.
#Three things,
  ● They must have good handwriting, because the data is handwritten;
 ● They must be able to read;
 ● And they must be able to division, addition, and subtraction in their head.
    He discussed about the Victorians also because they are great engineers. This education system is not broken but, wonderfully constructed. Today and future in various tools we use like computers, Tablets, Mobile and so on. 
  He started project of the slum to ground his office and it successfully completed. And then they teach each other How to Browsing? His second project is in he went 300 miles out of Delhi and repeated the experiment in remote village. Through this project few things are games out like,

" Teacher ourselves". By Sugata Mitra

"There's a processor inside".
    This project is he doing continuously 9 months and then he see effect of pronouncing.
He says that,
    "Keep talking into it until it types what you say."
   This project in the Kallikuppam village in the south india. DNA replication through they get few things and also they start to learn through internet. English language is somehow difficult to understand for them. He applies the Pedagogical method and may be he is trying to develop it.

     "Encouragement seems to be the key".

   "The reptilian part of our brain, which sits in the center of our brain, which it's threatened, it shuts all of that down." So, I think it's always right but, why we follow this type of old system and we mostly believe that pressure is the main reason of getting information or knowledge? But, it's not true at all. Punishment and examinations are seen as threats. "The granny cloud" sits on the internet and education is self organize,
    "Self organized learning environment"- SOLE.
   ●Broadband + Collaboration + Encouragement + Admiration.
    He talks about 'Stone she's also and he says that we need to design a future for learning.
   His last sentence are very good like, "My wish is to help design a future of learning by supporting children all over the world to tap into their wonder and their ability to work together. Help me build this school. It will be a school where children go on these intellectual adventures driven by the big questions which their mediators put in." Sir wish to we do SOLE in school, college, home and so on.

  3. Sugata Mitra: Future of Learning

G3.) Sujata Mitra : Future of Learning
(21 October 2013)

- Teachers mindset & geographic remoteness & teachers migration.
- Delhi & around 250 kms & difference of education & it's reasons be find.
- The density of council housing.
- Group of children can learn to use the internet on their own. ( 14 year old result.)
- Good/High-varity of games.

# Acquisition of computing literally on shared public computers : children & the " Hole in the wall. "

- computer skill
- Maths-style
- English- pronunciation ( in Haidrabad in India)

# Children can learn anything themselves.

- British-grand-mothers-if you have broadband & for free? 200 first students. They called the granny cloud.

A. If children can learn to read by themselve;

- Use internet download the apps, able to read and understand etc..
- Function reading by granny and they understand that apps are free or not.
- Children & the internet - A preliminary study in Uruguay.

B. if children can learn to search accurately by themselves.

- Groups are become Interactive for children.
- He doing research till 14years and he found self organizing system.

C. Curriculum; around the world, need to be revised to include the internet ;

- British national curriculum-2013.
- When we use mobile phone in bus, school or any - public places then we become unti-social, then people don't like.
- They don't text all the time they search a lot they continuously learn from these machines.

# Pedagogy :
-Needs to include use of the internet.
- Use the internet & mutual discussion to develop a paragraph on this subject.
- Assistive technology can actually teach:
_Multiplication tables
_For skills
- He talking about Shakespeare eng, texting eng, but you use only 1930s English is right.
Ex=. -How now, Juliet? ×
-How are you, Juliet? √
-How are you, Juliet? ×

- Obsolescence; of ideas, skills, methods & knowledge needs to be factored into learning methods, curriculum and examinations.

# When teachers are friends
- Curriculum, pedagogy & Examinations can be rolled into one because we don't need to separate them.

- Schooling can be forever.
- Teacherless facility. - with remote places

  4. Salman Khan: Let's use video to reinvent education

4. Use of videos by khan academy

- They present different types of videos examples.
- He share his first video uploading into YouTube.
- How useful videos and comments get from viewers.
- Speaker says that, It was very strange for me to do something of social value.
- It's helpful for all people.
- Teachers says that we have used your videos to flip the classroom. " And this could happened in every classroom in America tommorow.
- "What I do is I assign the lectures for homework & what used to be homework, I now have the students doing in the classroom. "
- Technology in the classroom.
- What teacher doing in the classroom and what impact of videos?
- Computer programming like Grammer, maths, etc... Everything is here what students wants Wants to learn through videos?
- Various fields in this app...
- They uses badges and points like we see in games.
- So, it's inspire to readers.

 5. Marc Prensky: Digital natives - Digital Immigrants

5.) Digital natives, Digital immigrants by marc prensky;

- Education in U. S. & education system.
-Digitals technology in the 21st century.
-Various tools of digital age.
-5,000 hours of their lives reading.
- 20, 000 hours watching T.V., computer games, email the internet cell phones and instant messages are integral parts of their lives.
-Different kinds of suspect or realize different kinds of experiences leads to different brain structures says Dr. Bruce
- T. Perry of Baylor College of medicine.
- Brains has physically changed.
- Socialization kids...
- importance of language
- Traditional curriculum.
- In the school kids with computer
- Learning into video games, called the Monkey wrench conspiracy.
- One here for video games and 30 tasks which can take from 15 minutes to several hours.
- Tam said ed you tainment to date have essentially bailed from both the education and entertainment perspective.
-We can & will I predict do much better in math for example....
-Classical philosophy & game.

-So, if digital immigration education educators really want to teach digital natives ie all their students they will have to stop change it's high time for them to stop their traditional concept of learning.

  6. David Crystal: The effect of new technology on english

6.) Devid crystal: The effect of new- Technology on English:

-The effect of new technology in English.
- Ex. News paper - style of writing.
- Use of mobile phone now & before.
- 1990s -education system, 1991-use of Google and first email.
- 1997- bloging - nobody blogged before 2003.
- 2000- text messages.
- Facebook (2004) , YouTube(2005),Twitter(2006)
- Text me 160 & tweeted to the whole world I am stuck in a lift. -how interesting use of twerter in our life?
- Tense,advertisement, news,technology or internet.
- Printing 15th century. - John Humphreys Britain .
- The average number of of abbreviations in a text is only 10% in other nut worlds 90% or so of the language you use in the text is standard English you know I mean it's the or at least local dialect maybe but not brand new language full of crazy abbreviations.

   7. David Crystal: The biggest challenge for english language teachers in the times of...

7.) David crystal : The biggest challenge for English language teachers in the times of..

- Worldwide opportunity - English language
- America, London etc. Anyways
- American entry, Australian English
-  RP- (Received Pronunciation) British standard English
- People chose American & British English. 
- Make your self ready to do anything.
- Two jobs - Translating & interpreting and secondly language teaching. ( reason ) is because no aspect of human behaviour is more complex than language.
- rhythm & stress & so on combined into three or 4000 grammatical construction with how many words ? fifty thousand to hundred thousand words depending upon the size of years vocabulary....
- Three quarters of the worlds population is bilingual to be monolingual is the exception around the world.
- Importance of internet.
- Ex. South African English teacher through technology or internet. (For job)

   8. David Crystal: Texting is "Good" for English language

8.) Devid crystal: Texting is 'Good' for English language

- Texting is a kind of language - languages is studied by linguistic. He is a proof of linguistic have been for the last 32 years & have written a book on texting is that enough that's pretty good.
- Devid yeah I'd says that was enough.
- Myths - kids- message writing.
-2000 , 2001 - different of education- gos child.
- Bad side of texting the social side.
- 3billion mobile phones in the world.
- Accusation that kids can't you know that let's work our way...
- Actually 10% of the text messages are abbreviated of the words are in standard spell English & the kids are not misspelling most of the time.
-( queen Victoria & levis Carroll)
-Privacy for text messages and it's use in everyday life.
- Sir says that the language everybody would agree that literacy is important learning to read & write.
- A technology which gives you standing opportunities to practice reading & writing admittedly it's on a phone admittedly there's only 160 characters & so on so forth but it's still practice in reading & writing. (More resources)
- The more you text the better your literary scores right & the earlier you get your mobile phone for it.
- Texting is "Good" for English language.



                      Thank you 👍


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