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Thinking activity: Robinson Crusoe in the context of "A Grain of wheat"

   ◆Robinson Crusoe the Colonial and post-Colonial concept...


●●●"Colonialism is a practice of powerful over the less powerful people."

     Robinson Crusoe is a novel written by Daniel Defoe. Robinson Crusoe leaves the island 19 December 1686 and arrives in England on 11 June 1687. Robinson follows Christianity and he becomes colonizer on the island. Robinson Crusoe stands for the english imperialism, capitalism and more specifically the Colonialism. Robinson left his motherland in quest of fortune which is one of the prime motto of english colonization. Robinson Crusoe represents a prototype of a culture, a religion, and an ideology. 

   It is defined as an occupation of workers territory by a stronger nation or state for 'political domination, economic exploitation, and civilizing mission.' The west is "self" and the east is "other", one is superior and the other is "subaltern". Representation as an important aspect of colonialism and according to Edward Said representations of the orient both visual and textual is a kind of illusion not real than biased and constructed by "Western Ideology".

    Colonial representation relies on political images which are constructed by the ideas of power and domination over "other". Robinson Crusoe in we find relationship between Robinson and Friday. They become master and slave. Robinson teach language to Friday and make rules for him. One is becomes ruler and another becomes follower. Somehow 'A grain of Wheats' talks about this types of relationship. And I find that Uhuru or freedom is like physically and mentally both, but sometimes people will become physically free not mentally free; like Friday in the 'Robinson Crusoe'. Master Robinson gives language, words, sense, teach well behavior to Friday in the novel.

   Robinson wants to be will become master of Friday and he feels like he is king of this island. Friday follow his master's rules and timetable also. He will become mentally and physically slave for Robinson on the island. So, here I find the colonial concept of A grain of wheat.

    I sum up my topic with concept of masters and slave relations. It's best example is the "Waiting for Godot" in two characters Lucky and Pozzo. In A grain of wheat in some characters are accepted 'Uhuru' but in real sense they are not free from their mind set. And actually they do not want freedom from present conditions and their belief. Robinson is one who is colonizer and Friday colonized person by him. But, he blindly follow him and he thinks that that is the one way to see his future.

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                              😊Thank you !😊


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