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Thinking activity on Mass Media & Communication

Paper - Mass Communication and Media studies

    Hello friends, today I will write the blog about the Mass Media and Communication. This paper is very interesting for readers, Spectator / Viewer, students, professor and common people also. The Mass Media and Communication is Concerned to our everyday life and people widely used these tools. So, here I prepare one blog on the importance of communication in everyday life and which platform I prefer the most for mass communication, let's see...

     Mass media is a medium to connect people with information of news, entertainment, religion related things and so on. Somehow offline and online tools/ things through communication has become possible for us. People use technology widely and it's helpful to save time and money also because, it's not only upper class people or rich people but, common people also afford these. It has more advantages, but it has disadvantages also.

1. Mass Media:-

    News paper, television and radio that reach a large number of people; this tools are called mass media. Somehow people use television, newspaper, tabloid, internet, radio and so on. So, we are simply connected with all the tools of social media and have conversations with each other in our everyday life.

2. Communication:-

    Communication means 'the act of sharing or exchanging information, ideas or feelings. For example, Radio is the only means of communication in remote areas.

   So, let's start with some interesting information, Social media is about connecting people and providing the tools necessary to have a conversations and spread ideas. That global conversation is an extremely powerful platform for disseminating information and raising awareness about social causes and issues.

◆Some of the ways through we can use social media:-

  1. Write Blog
    Blog writing is one of the most helpful ways of using social media. Through blogs you can share your stories effectively in individual and group works. Blogger is the best website to share own ideas, experience and information.

  2.LinkedIn, Facebook, Tweeter, Instagram, What's app, resources apps etc are very helpful to conversation.
     Those are tools are more helpful to share information through images, gifs, videos, any written works and links also we can share; like presentations links, assignments links, blog posts links and news articles via email also or so on. You make your social network through educational field, political field, social field, the economic field also. 

3. For volunteer opportunities;
  Using social media online can help connect you with volunteer opportunities. You mention databases of both volunteer jobs & willing volunteers. So, it's an easy way to be a part of social media because, somehow it's all easier than offline tools.

4. Organize for people;
     We simply use online media tools to organize offline events, which are a great way to together like - minded people to raise money, or just discuss an issue that's important for us. Getting people together offline to learn about an important issue can really go ahead and start a conversation and make supporting the cause seem more real.

5. Conspicuous yourself for using videos
    As mentioned up word, blog can posts are great, but a picture really says a thousand words. The web has become a lot more visual in recent years and there are now a large number of social tools to help express yourself for using so many videos. Yes, when we record a video plea or call to action about your issue or charity, than you can make your own message sound more effective, authentic, and real.

6. You can start application or appeal
    There aren't many more powerful ways to support a cause than to sign our own name to a petition, appeals spread awareness and when successfully carried out, can demonstrate massive support for an issue. So, it's more powerful tools for social change.

7. Organize an online event
    Social media is a great way to organize offline, but you can also use online tools to organize effective online events. So, those are some of the ways to use social media in everyday life.

☺️ Some categories:- 

●Environment & social issues,
●Film & Entertainment,
●Social awareness & Development...etc


     The social media is used for education, business, jobs, etc. Audience has own choice and this used for advertisement also. This is development our language, speech, listening, reading, writing, and we become more knowledgeable. People doing any typos of teachers through social media and communications.

◆ Disadvantages

Social media speeding crime, horror, terrorists and people doing wrong things also and they learn through television and some other tools. Culture has changed because of social media is one reason for that. Somehow it has fixed messages for selected people or groups. People can be easily misunderstood through these. Access often difficult and it lacks feedback.


    I refer to listen to the radio for information and entertainment. Listening to radio should be a part of any learner’s any language learning routine. Being one of the four major areas of language learning listening sharpens comprehension skills as well as helps learners develop their accent and appropriate intonation and useful for more vocabulary. The best part is that listening to the radio can be done actively or passively in our life. So, I really like radio rather than television and I hope you all listen as a part of communication.

  So, friends I sum up with one question...
     Are you agree with my argument? Yes or no. Yes, than why ? & No, than how? (Please comment me for any suggestions)


                                 😊Thank you!😊


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