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Sunday Reading: Suzanna Arundhati Roy

#Sunday reading about Suzanna A. Roy


               ◆SUZANNA ARUNDHATI ROY◆

   ◆Her life; She belongs to Shillong and of course she is indian woman. Her father was a Bengali tea planter and her mother was a Christian of Syrian descent and he was challenged India's inheritance laws. Suzanna Arundhati Roy, born on 24 November, 1961 in Shillong, Meghalaya and of course she was Indian. Roy well known for indian author, actress,  and political activist and also we are always remember her for the award winning, Novel 'The God of small Things' in 1997s and for her involvement in environmental and human rights causes.

   Roy's novel "The God of Small Things" 

In this novel I find some social problems, and how life is going on with the exception of people. It is her first novel of India and this novel tells about twins. Both are destroyed by the " Love lows" that lay down and who should be loved and how much. She described that how small things affect people's behavior and their lives. For this novel Roy won the Booker prize in 1997 and of course it will be very popular book or novel.

   Let's see one quote, 

 “It is curious how sometimes the memory of death lives on for so much longer than the memory of the life that it purloined. Over the years, as the memory of Sophie Mol ... slowly faded, the Loss of Sophie Mol grew robust and alive. It was always there. Like a fruit in season. Every season. As permanent as a government job.”

  I find some symbols like, death, young persons, experience of Estha and Rahel, provincie the claim, some colours etc...

    Like, Red and blue colours. Somehow red color representing the bad times and also colour of the blood, rebellion and the death of Velutha. 

  The Ministry of Utmost Happiness

  Her second novel is depends on the political things. I think her view are appropriate and somehow people are agree with her opinions. Let's see,

    The ministry of utmost happiness is Roy's second novel , is in habited by cohorts of others : Hijras , Political rebels , the poor people and poorty , women who will not know thair place and abandoned baby girls . The novel has various liveliness like feminism , reality of life , society , culture and most affected point is that political issue.

    The novel talk about tha old Delhi begining in the cramped quarters of Jumma masjid with its narrow streets and derelict old houses are symbol of some deep critical ways . To see reality of political power an so on .    

   And including this two novels she wrote some more books also like,

1. The God of Small things2. The Ministry of Utmost happiness
3. My Seditious Heart
4. Capitalism
5. The end of Imagination
6. The Doctor and Saint
7. War Talk
8. Listening to Grasshoppers etc...


                      Thank you!


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