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Survey: DELL Software and Language lab review

                         Language Lab Review

  Hello everyone, I have interesting experience in this task, because it gives me lots of information with group and individual satisfaction also. So, friends let start our journey with the Language Lab...
   This task is based on individual and group task also, I got both opportunity to know how it work ?and general and individual perspectives throughout this journey. 

  This is the Globarena software and we were completed with our group in the lab, this is the precious knowledgeable time for me. So, it'd opportunity to learn so many things through this software. This session is organized by professor Dilip Barad sir in our english department MK Bhavnagar University. I think any software and hardware through we learn so many things, but both have its own limitations and advantages and disadvantages.First, Fundamental Language skill in some levels, like In the Classrooms, At Home, At the picnic, Shopping, At the Office and second One is Grammar skill, The sentence, Basic Gramma, Sentence Structure, Verb, Phonetics, Consonants, Consonants. And than Phonetics
●Ear Training
● Intonation
● Stress Patterns

◆Writing Skill
● Official Letters VII- Application Letters
●Writing a Report I

◆Reading Skill
●Stone Flowers
● A vision for the Future

  The NAMO E- TAB means the full name of the 'New Avenues of Modern Education through Tablets'. The state education department's NAMO E-TAB is now a days very popular and useful feature. So, it's all about the app and now let's know, how to work both software and the application in different and similar ways.

 ●●●So, in this activity sir ask some questions like,...

Q. Write Five advantages of language lab software?
 It's useful for individual and group discussion.
 This software through our LSRW skills improve.
 Improve our communication skills.

 Video, audio, photographs, visuals, examples etc.
 Language lab gives easy way for discussion, solution, interaction, various ways to think on one topic, I get different types of ideas from my friends in our group.

Q. Five disadvantages of language lab software?
 We have enough time with group to learn individually and somehow all students are not  satisfied with this types of learning.
 All topics are not equally important to learn, that's why when we completed 7 points and we wants to skip another 3 points than it will not good.
 I think people are guess MCQs rather read, understand and apply any logic or reason behind it.

 Sometime this is boring because, all people are not equally interested in this types of activity and they not properly conscious about this types of study.
 If I think I wants to reappear this task than it will take a long time to process for open and it's description or paragraphs are equally important to read, listen, seeing etc but, when we listen than its goes with speed than we give more time to reread and again listen.

Q. Five things for what I learn from this language lab?

 New vocabulary and it's pronunciation.
 All steps of grammar and sentence structure.
 I get some ideas for communication and how to involve people in our discussion.
 This software give good options for speaking skills and they match our voice and at first we pronoun and than they give us right pronunciation, this is I really like. When I do this at that time I am very excited to pronounce unknown words.

 This is the good experience for me because, I give this task with my friends Nikita, Nasim, Kailas, Mansi, Divya and me. We were six and all have own ideas to find answers, give suggestions and we were doing debate in-between also.

Q. Five words which are new for you?
● Prerequisite
● Extracurricular
● Philanthropy
● Cum laude
● Bursar
● Dining -Hall
● Dormitory
● Commencement
● Matriculation
● Chlorophyll
● Dazzle
● Presumed
● Archaeology
● Quad

Q. How would you like to relate Language lab in the mobile phone?
● I think both experience are different but, some similar things are their. When first I completed the language lab review through software at that time I have no scope for go deep and find many things but, may be we were completed 25 or more topics through this session. But, in mobile application is individually beneficial for everyone.

   Sometime pages are not found for MCQs. So, It's one disadvantage, but in the course; that type of error are not good at all because when we read, listen, heare and after we excited for doing the activity than somehow it happened and suddenly what happens, you imagine. Actually I personally don't like this disadvantage and if you will do this activity than you have to careful and at frist check it out. In the language lab session it would be beneficial for me.

    So, I have both type of experience throughout the course and I was share with you. So, if you like or dislike my view than please suggest me in the comment box.

                               Thank you so much!


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