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Sunday reading: Talks by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie

◆Sunday reading; Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie

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   here is one task given by prof. Dilip Barad sir

●Born :- 15 september 1977. (42 years)
●Birth place :- Enugu , Nigeria .
●Nationality :- Nigerian .
●Spouse :- Ivara Esege
●Children :- 1
●Education :- Drexel University , University of Nigeria , Nsukka , Yale University , Johns Hopkins University.
●Movies :- Half of a Yellow Sun , On Monday Last week .
●Books :- (1) Americanah - 2013
(2) Half of a Yellow Sun - 2006
(3) We Should All Be Feminists - 2014
(4) Purple Hibiscus - 2003
(5) The Thing Around Your Neck - 2009
(6) Dear Ijeawelw , Or A Feminist Manifesto In Fifteen Suggestions - 2017
(7) The Arrengements - 2016
(8) Cell One : From the Collection the Things Around Your Neck - 2010
(9) The Shivering - 2016
(10) Imitation - 2015
(11) You in America - 2006
(12) One World - 2009
(13) Selected Shorts - 2011
(14) New American Stories - 2011
(15) Manifes Feminis an 15 konsey - 2018
(16) Hirugen adak - 2009
(17) Menexedenious hiviskos - 2005
(18) Dam Vada Mal - 2010
●Notable awards :- MacArthur Fellowship (2008)


1. Whether you like or dislike views?
   •Yes, I really like her views because, the danger of signal story, we should all be feminist and third one is about post - truth it's present time's problem.

2. Why you like or dislike?
   • I like her views because she talks on the dangers of a single story, the importance of truth in post truth era and we should all be feminist. How female suffering from so many problems and we all see in our everyday life. Society treated women how to behave in various situations. For example cooking to educational field. We all are responsible for this condition and she says that how men are showing their power as a lead person in any field. So, I agree with her views and yes, in the second video, Importance of truth in post truth era is really appropriate arguments. Her simple example are very appropriate for this. And the last one is like how sing story dangers and her African literature connected with her works. So, yes I agree with this view because it's appropriate for all human beings.

3. Which views you like or dislike?
    •The danger of a single story on her views I really like because he talks about how her childhood to young age she was getting experience about this. She says that how she inspired by reading American stories and her African literature or stories are different rather than similar. Than write the kind of stories that she was reading because it's impact more important. How different Africa characters like, uneducated, poor, simple life etc. Single story of Mexican,'show a people as one thing, over and over again.' How power and single story are connected and she end with few words,..." That when we reject the single story, when we realize that there is never a single story about any place, we regain a kind of paradise."

4. Has these views helped in better understanding of literature and life?
  • Yes, because her views are realistic and it can help us how literature criticise on the danger of a single story, feminism, and post - truth. Literature is not only a mirror of life but, various different types of topics. Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie's name is very well known for great literature because she writes related to some critical points. I think her views are helpful for better understanding of literature.

5. Can you connect these talks with Post Colonial studies and African literature?

•The post colonialism is tells the story focusing on the human consequences of the control and how powerful people or authority exploie colonized people and their lands etc. So, I connect Chimamanda's views easily like, she is a black woman writer. She wrote about African people's problems, how they marginalized by white people and how they ignore with their colour of skin. Her ways of telling the truth is really interesting because she was not serious at all when she talks about feminism, post- truth etc. Her works as like, Toni Morrison's novel "Bluest Eye" she was African- American novelist. Her novel is also tells about African girl's story and her deep desire to get Blue eyes because her skin color is black. So, somehow it's story related to African literature. So, I think she tell about Palestine poet Mourid Barghouti writes that if you want to dispossess a people, the simplest way to do it is to tell their story and to start with, "secondly". I wants to connect here Yann Martel's novel "Life of Pi" (2001). I really enjoy this task and get lots of information on this topic.


                           Thank you!


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