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Showing posts from September, 2019

★Thinking activity on T.S. Eliot's 'The Waste Land'★

            The Waste Land by T. S. Eliot   ◆About THOMAS STEARNS ELIOT...       ◆Thomas Stearns Eliot is very famous and wit poet in this century. Eliot born in 26 September 1888 and died 4 January 1965. Je was one of the twentieth century's major poets, was also an essayist, publisher, playwright, and literary and social critic. Born in St. Loius Missouri to a prominent Boston Brahman family, he moved to England in 1914 at the age of 25 and would settle, work, and marry there. T. S. Eliot's Poems: The Waste Land, Journey of the Magi, The love song of J. Alfred prufrock, The Hollow Men etc very popular. And his poem - " The Waste Land" is very famous poem and in this poem we get more and more knowledge about various types of literature. This poem divided into five parts. Let's see, ● The Burial Of the Dead :( 76 Lines ) ● A game of Chess ( 96 Lines ) ● The Fire Sermon ( 139 Lines ) ● Death by Water ( 10 lines ) ● What the thunder Said ( 113 Lines

Thinking activity on "To The Lighthouse" by Virginia Woolf

"To The Lighthouse" by Virginia Woolf  # What is lighthouse?     ◆A lighthouse is a tower, building, or other type of structure designed to emit light from a system of lamps and lenses and to serve as a navigational aid for maritime pilots at sea or on inland waterways. (     # Virginia woolf was one of the best critic, english novelist and essayist.   ●The novel 'ToThe Lighthouse' was one of the best novel, because it was described woman's deep emotion with family. She was directed about Mrs. Ramsay and Lily Briscoe. Her aged 59 but, she was live till through her own experienced and her great novels. #Here is my task given by Professor Dilip Barad sir.     1)  How can you explain that 'what' Virginia Woolf wanted to say (for example, the complexity of human relationship, the everyday battles that people are at in their relationship with near and dear ones, the struggle of a female artist against

OD On Oneness of Literature

           ◆  OD on Oneness of Literature◆     Hello friends today I want to give information about the "Oneness of Literature" Here one story about "Small joke" in gujarati news paper and it's simple but, meaningful. Let's start with this, This as all literatures are connected with each other all and I think it's happened in every history and literature.  This means that a writer makes use of one sign, symbol, character, situation for a specific purpose. If the same sing, symbol, character, situation is used by other writers, and if this goes on recurrently happen, it turns into literary metaphor. And it's wetten in different languages but, it's meaning or Central themes are  similar and here Anton Chekhov's "A Joke" is best example for doneness of literature.   ◆Anton Chekhov (A Joke). "And when we were children, staying at the archduke's, My cousin's, he took me out on a sled, And I was frighten

Film Screening - Harold Pinter's The Birthday Party

                   ◆The Birthday Party◆      Hello, friends my today's topic about the play and it's task given by professor, so let's start; "The Birthday party" play by Herold Pinter. It's his  second full-length play, it was written in 1957. Here I find that Stanley Webber's life at a rundown seaside boarding house is disrupted by the unexpected arrival of two mysterious and sinister strangers called Goldberg and McCann, who terrorise him and eventually take him away. ( Wikipedia )     1) Comedy of Menace: Whose plays are known so? Who termed it? What are its peculiar characteristics? How is it different from Absurd Theatre?         This play is known of the comedy of Menace and of course it's different from absurd theater. Because, here particular vision and plot are clearly visible and I easily find in this play and absurd theatre has Meaninglessness, Nothingness and till something doing without any purpose. So, it's differ

Thinking activity on "Waiting for Godot" by Samuel Beckett

                         "Waiting for Godot"       Hello readers, today I will try to solve some questions, I hope you will enjoy my blog. So, let's start with some information about this play. This play "The Waiting for Godot" is a absurd play. Here Beckett's idea of absurdity, Nothinglessness, Meaningless dialogues and Waiting for someone who is unknown for Vladimir and Estragon. So let's start this activity with one gif...             Samuel Beckett's absurd Play -"Waiting for Godot" is one of the best play for meaninglessness, absurdity, Nothingness, continues waiting and so on. So, friends let's start with the first question...  1) What is the Existentialism?      The Existantialism is while learning the human condition and life's inescapable problems as an individuality. It has certainly had considerable outside philosophy and it call a way of life. The existentialism is like many reasons or I can say that it

Modernism and Modernist poetry

                        ◆Modernist poetry◆      Today I want to share about The Modern literature and modern poems. So let's start with few information about it...    ● Modernism:     Modernism according to me; Modern Age is the age of transformed and it's all about private and social life. The change from the old to the new; like narrowness and spiritual ideas to universal and open-minded way. From blind faith to rational thinking is very interestingly I find in this age. The modern era means new values, new ideas, new life - style, mee rules and Western influence. The literature of the New Age is the literature of challenge and of the reconstruction of new world. Because, after world war one (1914 - 1918) and world war two (1939 - 1945) is very important for this changes and new Values.  ◆ General Characteristics of the Modern Age:-  ●Anxiety and Interrogation,  ●Art for Life's sake,  ●Growing Interest in the poor and the working classes,  ●Impact of so

BREATH: A play by Samuel Beckett

   ◆ "Breath" A thirty second play.      Samuel Barclay Beckett (13 April 1906 - 22 December 1989) was playwright, short story writer, Irish novelist, theatre director, poet and also literary translator. A resident of Paris for most of his adult life, he wrote in both English and French languages.       Beckett's work offers a black, tragicomic outlook, on human existence, often coupled with black comedy and gallow humor, and became increasingly minimalist in his later career. He is considered one of the last modernist writers, and one of the key figures in what Martin Esslin called the "Theatre of Absurd." Beckett was awarded the 1969 'Nobel Prize' in literature for his writing.     ✍️ Breath means simply I called, an inhalation or exhalation of air from the lungs by human being and animals and any Ascogenous in the world. So, Beckett's breath is totally different from this breath. So, here four videos about that so, let's start wit

ELT: 1 The role of English in India (Unit. 1)

   ◆English language Teaching:- 1◆    ● Let's start with Vaidehi ma'am's task -link,   ● I will try to give this five questions answers, (1) What is english language for me? Ans. English language is like, equal to Treasure for me, because more and more I get and It becomes deeper and logical. People always like foreign language and It is English language. So, when I was in U.G. at that time I choose Compulsory with main english language. So, other students tell me, Why you choose only english? And my ama was , because I get knowledge, I want to understand and I want to teach other weak children and students. So, that's why I choose main subject as a english. And english language for me like imagine, "one word to another word's journey for me." Because, it was important in past, Now in present and also in future time. So, it's my own importanc