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Existentialism; Flipped learning.


      So, friends today's my blog about existentialism, Dilip Barad sir give me two website resources and 10 videos to learn the fundamentals of existentialism philosophy. First I want to write about existentialism. so, let's see...

     ◆ Key Themes of Existentialism:-

  ●Philosophy as a way of life,
  ●Anxiety and Authenticity,
  ●Irrationality or Absurdity,
  ●The Crowd.

   ◆ Existentialist Philosophers:-

  ●Soren Kierkegaard,
  ●Friedrich Nietzsche,
  ●Martin Heidegger,
  ●Jean - Paur Sartre,
  ●Simone de Beauvoir,
  ●Albert Camus.

  ◆ The Influence of Existentialism;

  1) The Arts and Philology,
  2) Philosophy.

  * What is 'existentialism' ?

     "Existentialism is a philosophy that emphasis individual existence, freedom and Choice."

# Existentialism believes that individuals are entirely free and must take 'Personal responsibility' for themselves. SUMAN SHAH's facebook post "વિચરતા વિચારો" was very appropriate for better understanding in this point.

  Suman Shah gives us some points about Survivalist/ existentialism; like 

●A person always alone/ loneliness,
●Yet I will be myself,
●World is world and I-I am,
●Things are things and I am as a soul,
●I am human being( independent),
●Internal source and external source,
●Anxiety becomes a reality,
●Throw/ Throwness; 
●Facticity,( in Hamlet & Oedipus Rex; one's end others rise).
●Choice; ( with four questions).

    And at one appreciate points through he conclud that, "Every things may happen; nothing comes from outside and we are responsible for it."

    It there for emphasis action, freedom and decision as fundamental absurd condition of humanity is by exercising our personal freedom and choice. Existentialism as connect with some other Common but, deeper way like, Nihilism. Existentialism is more a reaction against traditional philosophies, such as Rationalism, Imperialism, and Positivism. It asserts that people actually make decisions based on what has meaning to them, rather than what is rational. It try to make rational decisions despite existing in an irrational universe. So, it's my understanding and reading about this topic. So, let's start with this videos,...

    The picture speaks a lot about existentialism, because it has two part of any personality.

      First video about existentialism's explanation and according to  Kierkegaard. He believes that philosophical thought are same. Triangle with Individuality, Freedom and Passions. Possibility of God and it happens after thinking. Whose attention will be attracted to a subject like Suicide, Anguish, Thanks, Absurdity, Passion, Emotions their Freedom or even despair. 

Question:- "God" about ideas possible, ' Why its possibility after thinking?' ( why not before, so, it's our mentality or not?)

   Second video about The myth of Sisyphus; The Absurd Reasoning. Yes, of course lots of citation in this video. Taking about an absurd reasoning Camus starts this essay.

     He is focusing on the matter of Suicide. Life is filled with despair and absurdity and I see that something deprived of all meanings we might consider to commit Suicide.

 According to him,"Life is the most urgent of questions." The silence of the heart ad is a great work of Art. In this videos comparison with the movie "Stay." (Kill himself this type of ideas) Here I find that two types of comparison like, Man and this life, he compare with the Director and his setting.

 "Beginning to think is beginning to understand." 

Questions:-  How to find absurdity by our own thought?
             How to connected absurdity with death?

   Last, I think the absurdity of life isn't Suicide.


   The nation of philosophical suicide, through myth. Here three examples;
 ◆ A total absence of hope; DISPAIR.
 ◆ A continual rejection; RENUNCIATION.
 ◆ Conscious dissatisfaction; IMMATURE UNREST.

      Camus believe in existentialism, disapproval thus absurd becomes God and that ability to understand becomes the existence that illuminates everything. Nothing logically prepares this Reasoning. For absurd mind reasons is useless and there is nothing beyond.

Kierkegaard says, Faith is the solution to the absurd.

Absurd + Faith = Escapism.

 Question; How to work absurdity in different levels?

     It was in 1916 that the Dada movement, and it is associated with Nihilism. Absurdity of life connected with Dadaism.

  Dada + Art movement = Nihilism.

 Everything that smacks of Journalism, Warms, everything nice and right blinkered moralistic, Europeanized innervated by saying Dada. 

 Dadaism as a way of becoming free of everything.

Question; What kind of art is it and how connected with both?

     Here I find purpose of living.

1) Gloomy Philosophy.

 Life + Anxiety = Truth.

Here two types of possibility and we take own self. 

2) Narcissistic Philosophy.

Nietzsche puts it, "Become who you are."

Existentialism- Nihilism.

Example, Cigarette - Heroin.
Existentialism was a response to this emptiness.

Question; Why existentialism through of as a gloomy philosophy?

It is about existentialism and Nihilism, it has two types of difference.

Question; why here it compare with only Nihilism? 

 I find meaning of existentialism and 'existence precedes essen de.' Difference between existentialism and Nihilism.

Questions; Why both have objective meaning?
Why Nietzsche describe about political warning?

      We can Mack our own rules. I find hoe small children give answers through example of room clean and Superman. People hate him because Nietzsche because, he says, we doing our work own self. 

Question, Why people unlike or ignore this type of ideas?

Existentialism and everyday life.
 1) why I like existentialism?
 2) How existentialism has affected my everyday life?
 3) Some more things about it.
" Grain of SALT." 

 Question; Why here use example of Mind and Heart?

      Crash course philosophy is brought to you by Square space. They give so many purpose or meaning of life. God --- importance or existence.

Question; How to find mean in this meaningless world?

So, it's my understanding after watching this videos and reading resources. 

        Thank you! 😊


  1. Well explanation with useful keypoint... good work...

  2. Thank you so much both for appreciate my work and write comments.✍️☺️


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