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★Thinking activity on T.S. Eliot's 'The Waste Land'★

            The Waste Land by T. S. Eliot


      ◆Thomas Stearns Eliot is very famous and wit poet in this century. Eliot born in 26 September 1888 and died 4 January 1965. Je was one of the twentieth century's major poets, was also an essayist, publisher, playwright, and literary and social critic. Born in St. Loius Missouri to a prominent Boston Brahman family, he moved to England in 1914 at the age of 25 and would settle, work, and marry there. T. S. Eliot's Poems: The Waste Land, Journey of the Magi, The love song of J. Alfred prufrock, The Hollow Men etc very popular. And his poem - " The Waste Land" is very famous poem and in this poem we get more and more knowledge about various types of literature. This poem divided into five parts. Let's see,

● The Burial Of the Dead :( 76 Lines )
● A game of Chess ( 96 Lines )
● The Fire Sermon ( 139 Lines )
● Death by Water ( 10 lines )
● What the thunder Said ( 113 Lines )

    1) What are your views on the following image after reading 'The Waste Land'? Do you think that Eliot is regressive as compared to Nietzche's views? or Has Eliot achieved universality of thought by recalling mytho-historical answer to the contemporary malaise?

 ● According to me, the views of Eliot can be considered as more realistic than Nietzsche, Nietzsche finds the solution of present in future while Eliot is finding the solution of present and future in past because past is like a mirror as well as lesson for people. So, it's helpful for all human beings and somehow it is beneficial for  individual experience.


2) What are your views regarding these comments? Is it true that giving free vent to the repressed 'primitive instinct' lead us to happy and satisfied life? or do you agree with Eliot's view that 'salvation of man lies in the preservation of the cultural tradition'?

  ● Yes, I am agree with that,  it is truth that giving free vent to the repressed primitive instinct' can lead us to happy and satisfied life, but individually, things and happiness which is satisfying us can harm others and which give pleasure to others can harm us. All over the poem gives us satisfaction and may be at the end of the poem I am happy with that particular ideas and all themes. But as per Eliot views if all follow such culture, tradition, religion, social structure and belief in such life - style and moralities, this all perspectives helps human beings for better understanding.


      3) Write about allusions to the Indian thoughts in 'The Waste Land'. (Where, How and Why are the Indian thoughts referred?)

      I will try to describe this Image; There is an image or central theme of poem is death in life is rebirth and the continuationof the endless cycle. It means cause and effect of suffering in our day to day life. So, let's see,

●The Fire sermon

      The fire and sermon is name of sermon given by Buddha. Gayasisa is the place where buddha prech the fire sermon about achieving libration from suffering through detachment from the five senses and mind, by that Eliot also wants to convey a message tp stay detached from all body and sense's desire.

 ●What the Thunder said

      In Shivpuran wecan find the refferences of sati and Daksh prajapati.There is refrence pf Upanishad in this Prajapati like ideal and very angry person.Spoke in thunder 'aakashvani' to devotees are pointed out the way of salvation. Eliot shows the way of spiritual re-birth on the basis of wisdom of India. And its very effective and acceptable.

 ● River Ganga and Himalaya

    In our country we all know that Ganga is very holy river we all believe in this.Ganga is vry big and all people go to wash their bed destony that is belief of people mind. Eliot refers to Wisdom of India for spiritual salvation of modern humanity. Holly river Ganga known for its purity and also for purification , and Himalaya is known for spirituality and peace.

 ●Three Da

    In the aste land we can find the idea about te three DA's Concept of this things.And he try to do compariion of the three words.

Datta.. Give
Dayadhvam... Sympathize

Da..Da..Da.. As reminder to practice self control, giving and compassion.

● Shantih Mantra

     It is idea bout calm of human mind.In the Society we can not leave without worry and tension at that time wecan try to find calm in our mind and body take rest in calmness. Path pf knowldge is always painful and peace comes after knowing something that is the real Shantih. Thus Eliot ends Wasteland with hope.

    This poem is rational and logical rather than political and social, because, I feel this poem is not on one theme or central ideas but, various aspects including in this one poem. It's start with one season and end with Peaceful lines. That's why I think this poem is completely relevant to its title and five parts of the poem.


                        Thank you!


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