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OD On Oneness of Literature

           ◆ OD on Oneness of Literature◆

    Hello friends today I want to give information about the "Oneness of Literature" Here one story about "Small joke" in gujarati news paper and it's simple but, meaningful. Let's start with this,
This as all literatures are connected with each other all and I think it's happened in every history and literature. This means that a writer makes use of one sign, symbol, character, situation for a specific purpose. If the same sing, symbol, character, situation is used by other writers, and if this goes on recurrently happen, it turns into literary metaphor. And it's wetten in different languages but, it's meaning or Central themes are  similar and here Anton Chekhov's "A Joke" is best example for doneness of literature. 

◆Anton Chekhov (A Joke).

"And when we were children, staying at the archduke's,
My cousin's, he took me out on a sled,
And I was frightened. He said, Marie,
Marie, hold on tight. And down we went.
In the mountains, there you feel free."

     Here Marie has attraction toward him and they both are feel like nostalgic. But, Marie feels deeply nostalgic and lonely without him. May be It's symbol of first love and both are try to say something but, they were not consciously hear and constantly this happen may be tree or four time.

 Q.:- Do you see any connection in these lines with overall theme of the poem which is 'sexual perversion' which is the result of all waste landers burning with lustful fire?

    Here I interpret that the relationship between both is like only emotional and innocent. Because, they are heterogeneous and that type of feelings is normal with age. Sexual perversion is somehow right interpretation in this Joke.

      Q.:- Translation Studies: You can also observe if the translation is done appropriately or not ?

  Gujarati and english both story is similar so this translation is appropriate. And I think it's perfect because, here I read similar meaning and theme. 

Q.:- Any other possible interpretation?

   I have one interpretation about this story, Why one event repeat constantly? What is the purpose for doing this? So, it's my interpretation about the "OD ON ONENESS OF LITERATURE"

                                 Thank you!


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