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Film Screening - Harold Pinter's The Birthday Party

                   ◆The Birthday Party◆

     Hello, friends my today's topic about the play and it's task given by professor, so let's start; "The Birthday party" play by Herold Pinter. It's his  second full-length play, it was written in 1957. Here I find that Stanley Webber's life at a rundown seaside boarding house is disrupted by the unexpected arrival of two mysterious and sinister strangers called Goldberg and McCann, who terrorise him and eventually take him away. ( Wikipedia )

    1) Comedy of Menace: Whose plays are known so? Who termed it? What are its peculiar characteristics? How is it different from Absurd Theatre?

        This play is known of the comedy of Menace and of course it's different from absurd theater. Because, here particular vision and plot are clearly visible and I easily find in this play and absurd theatre has Meaninglessness, Nothingness and till something doing without any purpose. So, it's different and peculiar characteristics also. Like, Lulu and Meg both are love Stanley and both wants to celebrate the birthday party. Goldberg and MacCann are try to change forcefully Stanley's personality and behaviour. So, it's totally peculiar for me.
    2) Explain ‘Pinteresque’ – Pinter pause and use of ‘Silence’ in the play: a particular atmosphere and environment in drama.

   ◆ For example Stanley Webber; 

●political reading:-

   In this type of reading for as a journalist it's very difficult to accept political and some follow boundaries. 

●Hapje phobia:-
 It's innocence to maturity level, Stanley's life before meet Goldberg and MacCann and after suddenly unacceptable changes I find in this play.

●Psychological reading:-
  He behave like mental or may be psycho - personality, so here I see some difference in Stanley and normal character's life style and ability.

●"Soul" spiritual reading:-

     Stanley is a Artist and generally artist not accept our social rules or regulations. So, that's why here one most important point is the soul and it's sign of escape from the so called society.  In this play I fine some types of atmosphere and silence in the play. So, it's all about Pinteresque. And Pinter give us about birth to reality of society and people. So, its my points of view and I feel and try to find the meaning and terror and darkness behind birthday party.
  3) ‘The Birthday Party’ – an allegory of ‘artist in exile and other interpretations ?

    Yes, I find some key points to the birthday party and an allegory of Artist in exile, like while Stanley stand with Goldberg and MacCann than they behave like Goverment's people and also they have government job. So, it's allegory for artist and their thinking and questions people are not happy with it. And my other interpretation is like why always women being the target of the any play, story and novel. So, it's my way of thinking.

      4) The Birthday Party’ as a Political Play with reference to Harold Pinter’s Noble Speech: ‘Art, Truth & Politics

    The Birthday party is related to one 'Artist's life' and Harold Pinter's Nobel Speech is about Art, Truth and also Politics, his argument is totally effective with evidence. Pinter's speech is not only art and truth but, he speaks against politics and power. So, for better understanding I share one video link for it.

   ● Link;

   5) Harriet Deer and Irving Deer’s article on Pinter's "The Birthday Party": The Film and the Play. (Deer and Deer)

      Yes, some changes are their and the film is based on screen play but, the play is for critically thinking. So, here some things is easy way for better logical way to people's understanding.

     6) Why are two scenes of Lulu omitted from the movie?

     Lulu think that it's true feeling and she think it's life long. But, reality is different from the movie and I think that Lulu is symbol of our society. That's why Lulu omitted from the movie and we find in the movie.

    7) Is movie successful in giving us the effect of menace? Where you able to feel it while reading the text?

    In the movie I think when two men enter in the room and Stanley feel denger to them. It's first menace according to me. And than the Goldberg and his friend both are constantly asking questions to Stanley and it's dangerous. And than the celebration of the birthday party and than suddenly light off at that time I feel it. And actually it's horrible situation for me because, Darkness is the symbol of something bad or wrong things.

    8) Do you feel the effect of lurking danger while viewing the movie? Where you able to feel the same while reading the text ?

    Yes, I feel that type of feeling while Stanley stand up on his bed and suddenly whooping. And after I think when Meg, Lulu, Goldberg etc celebrate the birthday party at that time I feel that. So, it's same situation in both the movie and the text.
    9) What do you read in 'newspaper' in the movie? Petey is reading newspaper to Meg, it torn into pieces by McCain, pieces are hidden by Petey in last scene.

     I think in the news paper is the symbol, In the movie Peter is reading the newspaper. In the movie newspaper becomes the symbol of hiding. Peter reads newspaper. He wants becomes unknown with the current incidents or situation. He knew everything but he becomes artificial. And he ignores the reality, and so reading the newspaper becomes the symbol of ignoring or hiding. In the last scene Peter knew that Stanley goes with both the strengers. And then he starts reading the newspaper. Because Meg is came And when Meg asks about Stanley he becomes completely unknown and he is agree with Meg that Stanley is slipping in his bedroom. He knew that Stanley is not there in his bad room. Still he hides the reality in front of Meg. And reading newspaper. And Mccann also found with newspaper. And I think that is the difference between Peter and other characters.

 10) Camera is positioned over the head of McCain when he is playing Blind Man's Buff and is positioned at the top with a view of room like a cage (trap) when Stanley is playing it. What interpretations can you give to these positioning of camera?

    Yes, I can give this position of camera because, the house is the symbol of cage and it's not for Stanley but, all Artist in our society. It's deep and logical meaning but, people are not easily understand that. Camera is positioned over the head of McCain when he is playing Blind Man's Buff and is positioned at the top with a view of room like a cage (trap) when Stanley is playing it. So, it's Confinement according to me.

     11) "Pinter restored theater to its basic elements: an enclosed space and unpredictable dialogue, where people are at the mercy of one another and pretense crumbles." (Pinter, Art, Truth & Politics: Excerpts from the 2005 Nobel Lecture). Does this happen in the movie?

    I think that the "Pinter restored theater to its basic elements: an enclosed space and unpredictable dialogue, where people are at the mercy of one another and pretense crumbles." it's not happen in the movie and that is the main reason for difference between reality and movie version. Some key points I fine through Goldberg and MacCain.
  12) How does viewing movie help in better understanding of the play ‘The Birthday Party’ with its typical characteristics (like painteresque, pause, silence, menace, lurking danger)?

   Yes, it's very effective characteristics in this movie like, painteresque, pause, silence, menace, lurking danger. Pinteresque means 'Painteresque makes photographic images more interesting and compelling because it is is based on a model of the eye developed to enable an artificial intelligence to see. Instead of degrading the information in the image, Painteresque attempts to extract and intensify its most interesting and intelligible features.' Pouse is the very effective and it's meaningful in this movie. Silence is the way of something happened good and bed and something unacceptable in future. Menace is the way of understand that the central idea and it's part to this movie and the play. And lurking danger is hidden fear and it's so many time happen in this movie.

     13) With which of the following observations you agree:

o “It probably wasn't possible to make a satisfactory film of "The Birthday Party."
o “It's impossible to imagine a better film of Pinter's play than this sensitive, disturbing version directed by William Friedkin”(Ebert)

   I agree with the first observation and it's true in my points of view.

     14) If you were director or screenplay writer, what sort of difference would you make in the making of movie?

  Yes, I am director of this movie than I will change some things and than I will try to change hidden things and give proper meaningful title. So, it's I want to changes in the movie Birthday party.

   15) Who would be your choice of actors to play the role of characters?

      Of course my choice is the character of 'Peter' and I think it is with conversation and some hidden dialogues. So, this character is my choice.

   16) Do you see any similarities among Kafka's Joseph K. (in 'The Trial'), Orwell's Winston Smith (in 'Nineteen Eighty-Four') and Pinter's Victor (in 'One for the Road')?

      I think here some chracter has power to rule over them. And they becomes victims. And they becomes the puppet. Some bad incidents happens. And some characters feels anxiety. 


                     "Who controls The past
                        Controls the Future,
                       Who controls The present,
                        Controls The past".


                 ☺️ Thank you!☺️


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