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Survey: DELL Software and Language lab review

                          Language Lab Review   Hello everyone, I have interesting experience in this task,  because it gives me lots of information with group and individual satisfaction also. So, friends let start our journey with the Language Lab...    This task is based on individual and group task also, I got both opportunity to know how it work ?and general and individual perspectives throughout this journey.    This is the Globarena software and we were completed with our group in the lab, this is the precious knowledgeable time for me. So, it'd opportunity to learn so many things through this software. This session is organized by professor Dilip Barad sir in our english department MK Bhavnagar University. I think any software and hardware through we learn so many things, but both have its own limitations and advantages and disadvantages.First, Fundamental Language skill in some levels, like In the Classrooms, At Home, At the picnic, Shopping, At the O

Journalism: Lead Writing and Feature Writing.

                      ◆◆◆  Journalism   Hello, readers here I write blog on the topic of Journalism. But, I write about the Feacher writing and Lead writing. Click here for it...        What is the Journalism ?  1. Lead writing:    In this writing simply I would like to describe that the lead writing is for any questions to solve through five words.  Who? What? Where? When? Why?   This types of written work mostly like people rather than descriptive writing. It's short and simple because, this types of waiting is easy to understand for all. Ma'am was write two leads, Heard lead, is for comprehensive writing on particular topics. Soft lead, is for shorter form of any topics. 2. Feature Writing    I have read, the Feature Journalism is creative journalism. It escapes the hard-news format allowing the creative writers among us to write feature articles in an inventive and compelling way. Unlike short and to-the-point news art

Chetan Bhagat's ''One night @ the call center''

● Chetan Bhagat's 'One night @ the call center':- Literary Analyses 1.   1. Do you agree: “Bhagat has a talent for tapping into the zeitgeist; that he is not much older than the people he writes about makes him a particularly credible portrayed of their world.” Give illustrations from your reading of the novel. ◆ Sir your question is I agree with this statement or not? yes, I agree with this because, Chetan Bhagat who has a talent for tapping into the zeitgeist not for all traditional thinker or people. why he write his work to favor of only for younger generations . I think he is psychological zeitgeist and my interpretation focuses on his mentality, deep way to see how literature affected on human life? In context of which types of literature or books people like and read now a days. This is deep sense to see which types of people around us and they are now a days depressed from globalization in present time. I think he is one of the best writers for convin

Sunday reading: Talks by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie

◆Sunday reading; Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie  Hello, readers c lick here    here is one task given by prof. Dilip Barad sir ●Born :- 15 september 1977. (42 years) ●Birth place :- Enugu , Nigeria . ●Nationality :- Nigerian . ●Spouse :- Ivara Esege ●Children :- 1 ●Education :- Drexel University , University of Nigeria , Nsukka , Yale University , Johns Hopkins University. ●Movies :- Half of a Yellow Sun , On Monday Last week . ●Books :- (1) Americanah - 2013 (2) Half of a Yellow Sun - 2006 (3) We Should All Be Feminists - 2014 (4) Purple Hibiscus - 2003 (5) The Thing Around Your Neck - 2009 (6) Dear Ijeawelw , Or A Feminist Manifesto In Fifteen Suggestions - 2017 (7) The Arrengements - 2016 (8) Cell One : From the Collection the Things Around Your Neck - 2010 (9) The Shivering - 2016 (10) Imitation - 2015 (11) You in America - 2006 (12) One World - 2009 (13) Selected Shorts - 2011 (14) New American Stories - 2011 (15) Manifes Feminis an 15 konsey - 2018

Sunday Reading: Suzanna Arundhati Roy

#Sunday reading about Suzanna A. Roy                           ◆ SUZANNA ARUNDHATI ROY◆      ◆ Her life ; She belongs to Shillong and of course she is indian woman. Her father was a Bengali tea planter and her mother was a Christian of Syrian descent and he was challenged India's inheritance laws. Suzanna Arundhati Roy, born on 24 November, 1961 in Shillong, Meghalaya and of course she was Indian. Roy well known for indian author, actress,  and political activist and also we are always remember her for the award winning, Novel 'The God of small Things' in 1997s and for her involvement in environmental and human rights causes.    Roy's novel "The God of Small Things"  In this novel I find some social problems, and how life is going on with the exception of people. It is her first novel of India and this novel tells about twins. Both are destroyed by the " Love lows" that lay down and who should be loved and how much

Thinking activity on Education and Technology

  ◆◆◆Education and Technology:- ELT -2   ●Hello,         My dear friends and readers this task is given by Prof. Dilip Barad sir and it has 8 videos in the thinking activity, click here  for this task.      1. Sir Ken Robinson: changing paradigm. ◆"We are educating people out of their creativity," Robinson says.    In the first video, I find some interesting things like, he talks about, Reforming public education there are two reasons for it, ●Economic, ●Cultural.    He talks about Globalization in the context of information technology in the present and future. One most important part is the 'Alienation' because, millions of kids who don't see any purpose in going to school. And he gives reasons also, why do we want to go to school or college? We do that for HARD WORK, DO WELL, COLLEGE and JOB. Of course we have a degree but it's not guarantee anymore in the present time also. The currant system was designed and conceived for a

Workshop on Quality and Authenticity of Web Resources

    ◆ Workshop on quality of web resources  ◆ Hello, readers today I write a blog post on quality and authenticity of web resources because, nowadays people use Information and Communication Technology.     ◆In department of english Prof. Dilip Barad sir organized one workshop on the authenticity of websites/web resources. Here, I'm going to evaluate three web resources which are used by students for academic purposes. So, let's start...      1.    ◆ In the is not properly authentic because I was searching for "to the lighthouse" and then I find work is cited and the writer's name is Merrin Lazyan. She is the producer of Area code,and she writes this classic note from two sources. I think it is not authentic work with these five types of quality.        2.    ◆

Thinking activity: Robinson Crusoe in the context of "A Grain of wheat"

   ◆ Robinson Crusoe the Colonial and post-Colonial concept...       ●●●"Colonialism is a practice of powerful over the less powerful people."      Robinson Crusoe is a novel written by Daniel Defoe. Robinson Crusoe leaves the island 19 December 1686 and arrives in England on 11 June 1687. Robinson follows Christianity and he becomes colonizer on the island. Robinson Crusoe stands for the english imperialism, capitalism and more specifically the Colonialism. Robinson left his motherland in quest of fortune which is one of the prime motto of english colonization. Robinson Crusoe represents a prototype of a culture, a religion, and an ideology.     It is defined as an occupation of workers territory by a stronger nation or state for 'political domination, economic exploitation, and civilizing mission.' The west is "self" and the east is "other", one is superior and the other is "subaltern". Representation as an im

Thinking activity on Mass Media & Communication

Paper - Mass Communication and Media studies     Hello friends, today I will write the blog about the Mass Media and Communication. This paper is very interesting for readers, Spectator / Viewer, students, professor and common people also. The Mass Media and Communication is Concerned to our everyday life and people widely used these tools. So, here I prepare one blog on the importance of communication in everyday life and which platform I prefer the most for mass communication, let's see...      Mass media is a medium to connect people with information of news, entertainment, religion related things and so on. Somehow offline and online tools/ things through communication has become possible for us. People use technology widely and it's helpful to save time and money also because, it's not only upper class people or rich people but, common people also afford these. It has more advantages, but it has disadvantages also. 1. Mass Media :-     News pape
Assignment 2 Paper No. 2- The neoclassical literature Sem. 1 Prinjal shiyal  Q. What are general characteristics of the Neoclassical age? Ans...       Literature can be broadly divided into ages, starting from the middle ages, renaissance, neoclassical period, romantic period, modern period, to the post-modern period. Neoclassical authors saw the world under a new light. Unlike the previous two eras, the writers of this era gave more importance to social needs as compared to individual needs. They believed that man can find meaning in society, religion, natural order, government, and literature. In no time, the winds of a new revolution swept through Europe and North America, and changed everything from art and literature to society and fashion, on its way. Though the neoclassical era later transitioned into the romantic era, it left behind a prominent footprint which can be seen in the literary works of today. The term neo means new while classical refers to the Roman